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Gateway to Chthonia

"To think that none of us saw this place. Nobody, ever. Who would've known? The dragons are too prideful and egotistical to even consider coming down here, except for battle and pillaging, and the Gateway is just below Malus' lair. It'd be a death sentence to go there. Now, though, we have all we need. All we can do now is pray, and get lucky as all of the Hells together,"
- Lord Ector de Brias, to Professor Elara, whilst still kidnapped.
    Gateways to other worlds are always a struggle to find. They are often deep underground, or protected by magical rites and divine barriers. Chthonia's prime gateway to Aitso, however, is rather different, compared to the other regions. Firstly, it is completely exposed to the world, and can be seen from islands in the Thevagon Archipelago. The only thing that stops it from being seen from further distances is Malus, the Charred Colossus' lair. The only reason that the Gateway can be seen, and is considered as an outlier to the natural Gateways, is that Malus' lair had been raised into the sky many centuries after the gateway was initially opened. It is also considered strange as it had formed in a tropical environment, most other Gateways forming in areas that are not
  The Gateway takes a simple form of a typhoon, locked in an endless cycle of spinning and twisting, causing many to be disheartened from going any closer. The gateway is about the same size as Malus' lair, which had made many correctly believe that the island had originally came from Chthonia, being the large, empty crater found within the centre of the Demiplane, where Nyx's Tomes stands today. Residual Divine Energy lingers along the leylines of the Gateway, which eventually ends up crossing certain holy areas and divine regions in the Thevagon Isles. Many of the regions in the archipelago have been theorised to have been blessed by Chthonic Gods before their disappearance into the Demiplane.
  Many thought that the region was an utter, complete death sentence. Many that had travelled to the supposed typhoon had never returned. The area was dangerous, yes, the Gateway leading to an open pit that led to Melinoë, Goddess of Nightmares and her domain, often devoured by nightmares before hitting the ground. The only way for those to enter and leave Chthonia are to either withhold divine energy upon their person, through blessings on themselves or through the power of a series of blessed weapons, used by the Lords of the Isles, such as Sir Galahad, Lone Knight , and Lord Ector de Brias , who each possessed powerful weapons that had combined together to create the Great Weapon. The other way to enter Chthonia was by having Hardened Scales, to a level of ferocity and endurance akin to a Red Dragon, such as Ashfang. Ashfang's Assault on Chthonia , whilst known as the most pathetic battle of the whole war, was still considered impactful as it showcased that dragons could enter Chthonia, making it an unsafe region.

Perpetual Darkness

  The region that harbours the Gateway will never see sunlight. At daylight hours, the suns will never be able to pierce Malus' lair, for as long as it remains existent. Even if the floating island is brought to the ground once more, it'd only permanently seal the fate of the Gateway, as the island would simply crush the gateway, preventing anyone from leaving, or entering, without going through metaphysical, divine, or magical methods. The typhoon and it's surrounding waters is considered excessively cold, bordering the point of freezing. Large shards of ice are often found swirling around the typhoon, unable to enter through the protection placed upon the gateway. Even at dawn and dusk, these large shards of ice are capable of blocking out the sun. This place will never feel the warmth of Sol, or his paragons. Beings such as Solis, and Ílios, are unable to enter the region due to this. 
"Let them try and fight us. Old Gods have no place in this world. Aitso is a realm for Dragonkind to rule over,"  
- Malus, the Charred Colossus
Alternative Name(s)
The Typhoon
Dimensional, Pocket
Additional Rulers/Owners


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Aug 6, 2024 20:28 by Lady Wynter

This is a cool article. I like how you bring in Galahad and Ector. I was left a bit confused about who this gate belongs to, since you mention Malus a few times before you bring in Melinoe.

Bringing the Light
Aug 6, 2024 20:53 by Jack F.

Hi, this article is a work in progress! It'll be finished soon, and will be fully clarified eventually! Thank you for your support, it means a lot.