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Wastes of Paradime, Division Goddess

"You can only kill a god in Soul. It's body will always remain, unless split apart,"
- Dark Proverb from the Tomes of Annihilation
  For whenever a god's soul dies, their body will forever linger on. This was true for Paradime, God of the Division , who was one of the first Aitsonian Gods killed. As the protector of the Divine Realms, the goddess was the initial target for when it came to usurp the role of divinity. After her death, her body was left to rot within the lands of Scyllia, a place known for having extreme cases of magical altercations. Her death had caused for the region around her corpse to turn into a wasteland.
  Paradime's body had twisted, warped, and torn into the life of the land. After thousands of years, her corpse could be likened to the state of a hive. Thick burrows have been made from her holy veins, causing thickets and natural trenches to form across the land. It has been likened to roots of a Great Tree. Along the outskirts of her corpse lays Blighted Trees, ones that connect back to Paradime's body, through the burrows. The whole region is considered to be the corpse of Paradime. It twitches and beats, like a living body, but echoed with the bonds of death. Some that venture into this land have also reported seeing eyes along the body, ones that twitch and blink, whenever provoked. It's not known on if this is some form of Paradime that has been cursed to see all, despite being born blind, or, rather, this was some other being that lingers upon her corpse.
  The Core of the Region still holds Paradime's Tome , where the Goddess' true form is left to integrate with the surroundings. It is shriveled, and has entered a husk-like state. The book is sealed with magic, and if disturbed, all of Paradime would retaliate against the foul Graverobber.
Alternative Name(s)
The Wastes of Before
"She still breathes. Something in there is making her divine energy be redirected into growing this wasteland. I fear when it comes into contact with civilisation. We will all cower in fear, in time," 


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