
Daemarrel is a large town located in the southern third of the country lying just on the north-western edge of the Feyborn Mountains. The town is seen as a crossroads of travelers from Acilidan and Estrya, making it a prominent trading settlement and a shining star of Human and Elven culture. Daemarrel is home to the Lady's College devoted to the study of magic and guided by the followers of Mystra. Daemarrel is considered both a strategically and culturally significant town for the Kingdom of Laskea and is well-protected.
The town is ruled jointly by Earl Niele Breyny and Fay Mytersaal, the apprentice and daughter of the late Tanalanthara Mytersaal, and current High Mage of Daemarrel. Earl Breyny is married to Cere Breyny-Sivan of Breghdel, and has a son named Baron Aeger Breyny, and a daughter named Baroness Freda Breyny -- both twins.
Excuse the dust, work in progress.


  • Daemarrel
    Daemarrel is a large town located in the southern third of Laskea lying just on the north-western edge of the Feyborn Mountains. The town is seen as a crossroads of travelers from Acilidan and Estrya, making it a prominent trading settlement and a shining star of Human and Elven culture. Daemarrel is considered both a strategically and culturally significant town for the Kingdom of Laskea and is well-protected.
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