
Loquere Ignition

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

They have three stud piercings around their lips (snakebites and a medusa so that they join up in a triangle.) and a tongue piercing. They have their left ear pierced and an eyebrow piercing in their left eyebrow.

Specialized Equipment

Ignition has a steam powered full arm prosthetic for their right arm and a similar one for the lower half of their right leg. Thye power poth of these using their own body to heat and control the steam.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ignition has always been an excellent researcher and inventor, coming up with stange unfounded solutions to problems that others just couldn't see. This was often brilliant and sucsessful but also often catastrophic and dmaaging, such as the incident that left them needing to create prosthetics for themselves.    They have always been a devout Sound worshipper and have enjoyed using others to entertain themselves in their creative schemes. This did however lead to them being detained and kept in an asylum for a few years before the Crown came to them with an offer.   They would be freed and able to live in the city of Edjudence. they would have plenty of subjects for their ideas as long as they were working towards the Crown's goals. They promptly agreed and now work to find solutions to the mage problem from beneath the city within The Hidden Prison.   When exploring and setting down roots in the city they came across Ermryl Caedogor and ended up finding they had similar enough views to buy into starting a cult with this man. While Ermryl Caedogor takes every tenet of The Gathering of Whispers seriously, which is fine since he laid them out, Ignition sees the cult as entertainment to him in and of itself. He is taking part for his own amusement and manipulating the other leaders as well as others. He is often willing to give a little more than a stray word to push the narrative in the way he'd like to see, orchestrating scenarios from behind the scenes. Ermryl Caedogor disapproves and thinks it strays too close to 'getting involved' but Ignition disagrees and has at the very least left Eline Glowhand torn on the matter.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Ignition is very manipulative and likes to tiwts people against each other for their own amusement.



He likes to talk in riddles. What hes saying never quite makes sense to most people, but it makes perfect sense to him.
Current Status
Researching methods of containing mages in the bowels of the secret prison that is set up to hold them
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
21st Time of Endings 3213-e5
Year of Birth
3213 -e5 32 Years old
Current Residence
Bright amber like the embers that eat away at burnt coals
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Coal like with veins of amber that crackle and run over the entirety of their body.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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