Luran Tirdath

Luran Orexian Tirdath

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a noble family long ago, Luran grew up in the lap of luxury and eventually became a Lord of Trauque. After a successful 20 year reign, a stranger passed through under their hospitality. A stranger who later feasted on the blood of the entire family. Luran was the only survivor, but not officially. He woke in the tomb beneath his ancestral home and had to flee to another part of the country.   They resents their fall from nobility, particularly in the way they went off into a blood frenzy in their early years of vampirism and now seek to do better for his county. They turned to The Five to seek their redemption and a new focus to distract from their bloodlust and found answer in Sight who sent them signs to use their secret to maintain and manage the long running and complex web of secrets of others in Trauque that a mortal could never hope to follow and connect.   They spent a couple hundred years travelling and adventuring with the common folk before they settled in Tentaught and set up The Florentine; an inn that covers for the spy network they had built up. The lord, Lady Faeana Alnarine knows of their condition and frequently makes use of their assets in exchange for keeping her silence.   Some of the older clerics from the Temple to the Five Tentaught suspect something about them due to remembering them from childhood and them not changing whereas most people don't notice. They often slink back into their own network for a few years and leave someone in charge of the inn to cover for their ageless appearance.   They are currently training a favoured contact, Trislee Naevassa, to run the inn for the next few years to combat the increase in suspicion.


Surprisingly well educated. They sound noble in their speech mannerisms if a bit old fashioned.


Runs the inn, The Florentine in Tentaught, as well as a secret spy network across the entirety of Trauque.


Hobbies & Pets

  • Collects alcohol.
  • Collets more than vintage furniture.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Gathering the secrets of Tentaught from The Florentine
Current Location
Date of Birth
7th Time of Remembrance 2142-e5
Year of Birth
2142 -e5 1103 Years old
Current Residence
Brown with a strange red rim around their iris
Blonde, braided up into an updo
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, almost sickly so
6' 1"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Care for a drink?"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Elvish
  • Sylvan
  • Orcish
  • Dwarven
  • Celestial
  • Infernal
  • Primordial
Ruled Locations


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