Trislee Naevassa

Trisliella Naevassa-Eisin (a.k.a. Trislee)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to the sister of Baroness Orilieth Eisin, Trislee grew up well. She loved to spend her time in the garden of her estate and would often try to overhear the gossip of the workers. It fascinated her, how much people were hiding right under your nose. She would often clash though with her older brother, a devout warrior under Touch's teachings, who despised her weak, cowardly nature and love of secrecy and silence.   She didn't want to live in a home so tense and so left to stay in the city under the guise of diplomatic relations. She ended up falling in with Luran Tirdath's spy network when she was staying in the walled city within. They took a liking to her and asked her to help them run the tavern and relay a large sector of the network back to them in the future.   Incidentally, she also took a strong liking to them, falling deeply in love, pining for them every moment they turn from her. She has seen the suspicion the temple casts on them and despises it. She hopes to find something she can use to bring down those that threaten Luran Tirdath's safety in Tentaught and so is getting close to a candid and naive student of the clergy there, hoping her false relationship with them can garner her some information.


Works in The Florentine in Tentaught.

Personality Characteristics


She wants to impress and woo Luran Tirdath.


Family Ties

Niece of Baroness Orilieth Eisin.

Religious Views

She hates The Five because of how the clergy of the temple are treating Luran Tirdath.
Current Status
Learning to run The Florentine
Current Location
Date of Birth
24th Time of Preparation 3212-e5
Year of Birth
3212 -e5 33 Years old
Current Residence
Deep blue
Auburn, left loose and long, a lotus flower tucked into it
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm and pale
5' 8"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Elvish
  • Abyssal
  • Druidic


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