
Umberbrook was built atop ancient ruins of a forgotten civilization, known for its exotic desert greenery, various metal ore mines, and its busy and bustling inland waterway, Umberbrook is primarily a town of export.


CopperWharf Fort

A large military structure with its own wharf holding two sixth rate sloops of the Bavarian navy.

Industry & Trade


  Caveat emptor is the guiding philosophy of Umberbrook, and people live a modest existence because of it. Without many taxes or regulations, the free market reigns supreme here. Welfare is above average. Citizens can expect a decent education, provided they can pay for it.   The bulk of the worlds copper ore is mined in the mountains north of Umberbrook and exported via the towns Wharf to Copperdrift and from there to the sea. Along with copper new deposites of gold iron and tin are also mined in the mountains. This provides Umberbrook with plenty of work ensuring its populace have a steady enough income to make purchases keeping the economy steady.


Umberbrook Lake

The lake dististrict is primarily composed of farmsteads which harvest foods grown from their plantations surrounding Lake Umberbrook, foods such as:
  • onions
  • garlic
  • leeks
  • beans
  • lentils
  • peas
  • radishes
  • cabbage
  • cucumbers
  • lettuce
  • dates
  • figs

Copper Wharf

Copper Wharf houses the Umberbrooks main docks and shipwright. Here goods are transported to Copperdrift and out into the sea via trade gallys and transport ships many destined for East Bavaria and others to trade with other nations.  

Umberbrook Town Square

The town square holds a number of locations of Importance:
  • Umberbrook Town Hall: Where the town council lead by Governor/Lord Leonhart
  • Bavarian Guardhouse: Armed with flintlock rifles, shortswords, spears and outfitted with breastplate Lead by William Seighard
  • Execution Stage: Where those found guilty of the most henious crimes are hung till death takes them
  • Bank Bavaria: The bank found in all major settlements across Bavaria
  • Masterwork Mining Office: A Dwarvern mining initiative the grew rappidly after the Elemental Emancipation but now finds the JMRC encrouching on its business
  • JMRC Outreach Office: A rapidly expanding business found mainly in the western half of the empire and is responsible for the invention of the railway and steam train
  • JMRC Train Station: A soon to be completed construction site

Guilds and Factions

Masterwork Mining

Owner: Hjalrim Silverbrow  

JMRC Office

Manager: Incantor - Rowan Heartlight The personal office of Erebus Jorasco  Attached Chapel of The Light

House Leonheart

Current Head - Governer/Lord Alexander Leonheart
Included Locations


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