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This vast forest covers over 85 000 square miles.    Over half of the game that is hunted here is salted and sent to Hellsholm. What's left of that is divided between the towns and villages.


Folksglaide is one of the largest forests within the realm. It spans over five hunderd miles vertically and a few hunders horizontally.   There are recent rumours of horned humanoid creatuers sighted deep in the woods.

Natural Resources

Main game:
  • Elk
  • Rabbit
  • Badger
  • Bear
  • Main plants:
  • Emberberry
  • Fools Cap
  • Bloodberry
  • Tiny Seagulls Cap
  • Main tress:
  • King's Oak
  • Maple
  • Birch
  • History

    Folksglade has been an important source of lumber, game, and berries for thousands of years. The towns and villages near it take good care of it by planting new trees and hunting in moderation.


    A lot of people from the neighboring areas visit the forest quite often to hunt, gather berries or cut down trees. Some visitors come all across the realm to see this beautiful, immense forest.   The number of visitors has decreased in the last two years.
    Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)


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