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This is where The Emperor used to rule the realm from his keep. The Council is in charge now, and they try to keep the peace across the realm.   Hellsholm is one of the Great Cities of the realm. This massive metropolis consists of three circular levels; the Lower City for the common folk, the Middle City for the people with moderate status and wealth, and the Upper City for the nobles, guild-masters, and such. Around the city one can find The Slums, a fast area of makeshift shacks and crooked houses where the least wealthy reside. These poor souls aren't allowed in to the city and thus are not listed in the official population of Hellsholm.   The city is build at the base of The Onyx Peak volcano. Channels have been built for the lava that flows down the mountain to fuel the dozens of smithies found in the Lower City.   Ash and dust constantly fall upon the city from the peak of the volcano and the Lower City spews it back from large chimneys.   The main source of food for Hellsholm is Folksreach and Pike's Perch.   Raw materials for the carpenters and woodworkers arrive from Folksglade and shipments of metals and gemstones are bought from The Iron Hands.   Travelling up north the Kingsroad will eventually take you to Ketora, Institute of the Arcane.   Population - 1,5M   Lower City - 1,3M   Middle City - 150 000   Upper City - 50 000


Within the Lower City one can find individuals of all races. They live together in a melting pot of cultures and traditions where the common goal is to gather enough coin to last through the day.   In the Middle City lives the more wealthier folk. The people living here are mostly humans, half-elves, gnomes and halflings. This is the ideal place to live if you have a substantial amount of gold and value your security. Middle City residents spend most of their time within their own ring, but visit the Lower City quite often.   The Upper City is where the elite lives. They consist of the noble Human houses, Elves, Dragonborn and even some Tieflings. These folk sometimes visit the Middle City, but practically never venture down to the Lower City.


Hellsholm and the rest of the Empire is ruled by The Council now that The Emperor has died.


The city is surrounded by 65ft tall wall. It's wide enough for four men to walk upon it next to each other. There is a rumored way to get into the city without going through the gatehouse, it's referred as The Taxless Road within the Lower City.   The city is protected by The Hellsholm Guard, a well trained group of soldiers patrolling the streets.

Industry & Trade

The Lower City is run by smiths, woodworkers, The Market of Fleas and the brothels.   The Middle City mainly produces jewelry, shoes, ornate furniture, and clothes.   The Upper City gets its wealth from the exotic shops, travelling vendors, and  magic item crafters and sellers.


The Lower City city has dozens of smithies, brothels, inns, taverns and markets within it. These run the economy in the largest ring. There is an immensely large living area located here named the Freekeep.   The Middle City has guild headquarters, magic item shops, apothecaries, jewelers, and other skilled craftsman's shops in it.    The Upper City has the homes for the guild masters, exotic magic item vendors, bookstores, and other high end product shops.


The city is littered with shop, stalls, smithies and inns. One can find almost anything for sale if you know where to look.   Hellsholm has trade routes with Thane Themar and Bal Thurim.

Guilds and Factions

Hellsholm is such a vast city you can find a guild or an organization for almost anything within the walls.
Founding Date
17th of June 26
Alternative Name(s)
The Ringed City, The Capital
1 500 000
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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