Portus Settlement in Adventures in Addilon | World Anvil


Near the border of the Kingdom of Velkindor and the High Elven Kingdom of Aristol lay the ruins of Portus. This once-great city was known as the Gem of the Golden Plains but was destroyed when a part of the Fey Wild manifested in the city's center. Before the disaster, the city was the capital of Portus County. It was founded in 789UB by a group of Ruinik missionaries. The rare moon flax in the region was highly valuable and caused the settlement to grow into a city. By 801UB, the city would be forcibly converted to the Dresmet Pantheon under the orders of King Justinus the Penitent. During the following years, Portus would become a crucial part of Velkindor's defense network against the High Elves. This would lead to the construction of a great castle known as the Black Abbey in 848UB. This castle held confiscated magic items, witches, monsters, and all other oddities the garrison of Witch-Hunter Magistrates decided to keep. The city would continue to grow until its destruction on the night of the 28th of Solidon, 899UB. This event has sparked a border conflict between Velkindor and Aristol, with Velkindorians seeking justice against the fey. Additionally, the Golden Plains has become infested by fey monsters and an increasing amount of undead.

The Ruins of Portus

by Bing Image Creator


The city was governed by a committee of 8. The committee has eight members and one governor. The governor was able to veto any decisions the committee made, as well as add and remove members. The county's Count usually appoints this position; however, the title is returned to the Count when the governor dies. The last Count, Adlen Terlyn, held that title and ruled Portus until it was destroyed.


Thick stone walls surrounded the city, which had a large garrison. Before the city was destroyed, a special unit of Witch Hunter Magistrates known as the Crimson Cloaks was stationed there. Despite these defenses, the city was still destroyed, with few people surviving. Today, the walls have become overgrown with gigantic roots, and the troops garrisoned the city are the dead that litter the overgrown streets.


The city had many wells scattered throughout its dense streets and a rudimentary sewer system for residents within the walls. Locals who live near the ruins say that the sewers have become home to monsters that roam the countryside.


The Gem of the Golden Plains has a sad history whose chapters are filled with death and betrayal. Portus started as a small farming community named Ravin's Rock, founded in 789UB by a group of Ruinik missionaries from Ithkal. It was named after the expedition leader Eric Ravin. The remote village saw little growth for many years until one of the farmers discovered rare moon flax growing in a valley to the south of town. Soon, the village began to harvest the rare resource, selling it to passing traders. The Flax brought people from all across Velkindor to the village, bringing many converts to the mission. One of those who came to the city was a peasant boy named Portus Terlyn. Little is known about his life in the community, but it is known that he converted to the Ruinik pantheon, and in 796UB, five years after coming to the city, he and the youngest daughter of Eric Ravin were exiled from Ravin's Rock. What happened to the two of them in the Golden Plains is unknown, but Nora Ravin doesn't appear in any records after this event.   It wouldn't be until 801UB when Portus Terlyn would return—this time commanding an army of Witch Hunter Magisters. During his years in exile, he reconverted to the Dresmet Pantheon and was taken in by the Witch Hunter Magisters. Through his aptitude for hunting spell casters, he would rapidly rise through the ranks. In 801, when King Justinus the Penitent ordered the conversion of all those who worship the Ruinik gods, he asked for the command to convert Ravin's Rock. It is said that they resisted when he arrived at the city. He brought down the fury of the gods. Fire rained from the sky, torching the buildings, and his magisters put all those who didn't convert to the sword. He renamed the city after himself and would go on to lead his unit of Witch Hunters, known as the Crimson Cloaks, which would eventually be stationed there.   After the Ruinik expulsion of 801UB, the city was rebuilt under the direction of Governor Portus Terlyn the Crimson and became a critical city in Velkindor's eastern defenses. In 846UB, it was named the capital of Portus County, and the title of count was granted to Thane Terlyn, Portus Terlyn's grandson. Under Thane's instruction, the city would build a massive black fortress he would name the Black Abbey. This structure was created as a gift to the Crimson Cloaks. Thane would rule for thirty years until his elven mistress murdered him. With only one legitimate son, the title would fall to Joorm Terlyn. Count Joorm would hold the throne until he died from a sudden illness in 873UB. The title would fall to his eight-year-old son, Adlen Terlyn.   After reaching adulthood, Adlen would begin reforming the city, eventually working to make it a refuge for Elven refugees fleeing the brutality in the Dulian Valley. Under his rule, the city began to expand rapidly. However, in the summer of 897UB, he would contract a similar illness to his late father. Despite this debilitating disease, he would survive and work on reforming the city guard to deal with the increased population. Count Adlen Terlyn would rule till his death when the city was laid to ruin. On the night of the 28th of Solidon, 899UB, the city would be sent into chaos as a fragment of the Fey Wild was brought into the material plain in the center of the city. This fragment brought with it a massive fey Everwood Tree and a variety of strange creatures from the wilds. Those who survived traveled to the village of Vadumbon and the Capital City of Tavrard.

899 UB, 28 Solidon

Founding Date
789 UB
Alternative Name(s)
Gem of the Golden Plains
Map of Velkindor
Portus Map

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