Adventures in Addilon Homepage | World Anvil

Adventures in Addilon


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Welcome, voyagers, to the continent of Addilon. It is currently year 900 of the Age of the Unbroken. The continent is vastly diverse in its geography and the nations that call it home. The frigged northwest is dominated by the Noridon Dominion, an empire rapidly expanding through conquest in recent years. The southeast is controlled by the ancient rule of the Dragonsfang, an empire that controls the vast spine desert whose sands hold secrets from long-forgotten ages. To the far east, we find the dwarves' homeland in the battle-scared peaks of the Gergite mountains. After years of civil war, the divided empire is recovering but not reconciling. In the center of Addilon is the Lake of Giants, a massive inland sea that nearly splits the continent in two. This body of water resulted from the great cataclysm when the gods almost destroyed the continent. This page will seek to introduce the nations, cultures, and religions of Addilon. Additionally, it will provide information on the individuals who live there, giving you a greater understanding of the customs and cultural relationships of the continent's people.