Henry Olmsted

Henry Olmsted was a former legendary inventor turned fraud.   Olmsted grew up a poor boy on the streets of Rialta. However, when a high-ranking senior member of the Rialta Inventor's Guild caught him putting together a makeshift fishing rod, he saw potential, and took the young boy in as his apprentice.   Under this senior member's careful tutelage, Olmsted learned quickly, and soon finished his general studies and was enrolled at the Rialta Inventor's Guild. When he graduated with his license, Olmsted moved to the Ausrian city of Fidelia, a city known to support inventors.   It was there that Olmsted met Maxwell Fenwick. The two were both up-and-coming inventors, honing their craft in the city, and as such, they spent a lot of time together. Eventually, they fell in love, and enjoyed happiness for some time.   However, there was a very key difference between the two. Fenwick was naturally gifted at coming up with unique, profitable inventions. Olmsted found difficulty doing the same, often suffering from creative lapses and a lack of inspiration.   It got to the point where people, in secret, would whisper about Olmsted -- that he was talented, but not very bright, idea wise, and he was leeching off of his partner's brilliance.   Unable to stomach this, Olmsted desperately searched for a way to cure his creative ails -- and found his solution in a young inventor named Kimberly Cane. The two initially met at a Fidelian Inventor's Exhibition one year. Cane had brought a contraption he called a Vision Enhancer, which were spectacles that allowed the wearer to see across very long distances.   Enthralled by the boy's unique potential, Olmsted sabotaged Cane's work that year. And then he did it again, and again, and again, all the while stealing his blueprints and taking the credit for his inventions. Because of this, Olmsted rose to a fame equal to his partner's.   Eventually, when perusing through their study, however, Fenwick found out. Enraged, Fenwick threatened to expose his fraudulent behavior.   Desperate to preserve his newly-found success, Olmsted knocked Fenwick out. However, he still loved him and found he was unable to kill him. So, he preserved his body for decades, while using an enhanced version of the spells Disguise Self and Alter Self to turn himself into Maxwell Fenwick.   For years, Olmsted lived under the guise of Fenwick, but the effects of the enhanced magic, as well as the trauma, made him mentally unstable. Eventually, he concocted a plan to destroy Fidelia via a newer, potent strain of the Deadly Raven disease. This strain turned numerous innocent civilians into monsters and resulted in many casualties. Fidelia calls this the second scourge of the Deadly Raven.   The Tulips came to town in the middle of this plan. Through their investigation, they managed to uncover the truth behind Henry Olmsted, and freed Maxwell Fenwick from the chamber he'd been kept in for decades.   In Olmsted's last moments, he injected himself with the Deadly Raven serum at the Exhibition in an attempt to kill the Tulips. However, they got the better of him. Pip McGonagal drew the final blow, and as he did, Olmsted morphed back into an ordinary human, gone at last.   All of the inventions he stole from Kimberly Cane have since been credited back to him.

Mental characteristics




Olmsted was educated under the teachings of a senior member of the Rialta Inventor's Guild, and after that as a part of the guild itself.


Olmsted was self-employed up until his death.

Mental Trauma

There were many moments where Olmsted had doubts about what he had done to Fenwick, but it got to a point where the magic affected him so much that he barely cared anymore.

Intellectual Characteristics

Olmsted was very intelligent, just not great at coming up with unique, insightful inventions.


Maxwell Fenwick

Former Partner (Important)

Towards Henry Olmsted



Henry Olmsted

Former Partner (Important)

Towards Maxwell Fenwick



Wealth & Financial state

While Olmsted was stealing inventions from Kimberly Cane, he was very wealthy.
Lawful Evil
Dark blue
Sleek and silvery
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
200 lbs


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