Maxwell Fenwick

Maxwell Fenwick is well-regarded as Antarah's greatest living inventor. He is benevolent, kind, and charming, but admittedly, he was not always this way.   Fenwick grew up very rich, with all the possible luxuries life could provide him. Both his father and mother were high-ranking socialites in the Malacan city of Basco. Fenwick's parents provided everything for him, and encouraged him to believe that, because of his social status, he was better than everyone else. Fenwick carried this belief with him for a long time, until one day, during a boating expedition with his parents as a teen, Fenwick fell off the boat and got swept away.   He came to on the shores of the poorer district of Basco. He found that a group of villagers there had found him in the water, rescued him, and used their meager resources to heal him up.   Seeing this moved Fenwick considerably. During his short stay at this village, he noticed that the water they were consuming from the nearby river was unclean. Wanting to help, Fenwick asked the leader of the village if there was anything he could do. Turns out the leader was an amateur inventor -- not a part of any guild, just an inventor for survival. This leader introduced Fenwick to a project he'd been working on to clean the water.   Fenwick, as a thank-you to the people who saved his life, vowed to finish the project, but it was difficult. He was not a very good inventor, but the leader was patient, and eventually, they both concocted a handheld device that could be used to safely consume the river water with no trouble. This was his first ever invention.   Fenwick spent many weeks with this village learning from the leader before his family finally found him. His family was horrified at the conditions that Fenwick was kept in, and were generally rude to the village as a whole.   When Fenwick went home, he told his parents he would like to enroll in the Inventor's Guild, which they greatly disapproved of. With his social standing, he could be rich well into his elderly years, without the need to join a guild at all. But Fenwick was determined. He renounced his claim to his parents' fortune, moved out, and enrolled at the Basco Inventor's Guild.   Here, Fenwick struggled. He was impatient and often, his projects failed. But he never lost hope. Many praise Fenwick to be a natural genius, but this certainly wasn't the case; each and every one of his projects had tens to hundreds of failures behind them. Fenwick was nearly kicked out of the guild on multiple occasions for failing to meet project deadlines, but nevertheless, he persisted.   When Fenwick graduated with his license, he moved to Fidelia, and there, he met Henry Olmsted. Both up-and-coming inventors, they quickly became friends, and eventually fell in love.   During his time in Fidelia, Fenwick invented a great many helpful devices for Antarah, chief of which being the cure for the Deadly Raven disease that plagued the earth for decades.   At some point, Fenwick discovered that Olmsted was stealing inventions from Kimberly Cane. Furious, Fenwick threatened to oust Olmsted and expose him to the guild, but Olmsted attacked him. Unable to kill him out of love, Olmsted instead magically preserved Fenwick's body and assumed his form, living as him for decades.   Fenwick finally regained consciousness during the second scourge of the Deadly Raven, when the Tulips uncovered the truth. At the Exhibition that year, he took back his identity from Olmsted, who died that day.   During the Tulips' journey in the city of Leviathan, it is discovered that some of Fenwick's inventions were stolen in order to help control so-called "criminals".   Fenwick now lives in Fidelia, inventing once more. He has developed a close kinship with the Fortiers as well as Kimberly Cane, who he views as a son.

Mental characteristics




Fenwick studied at the Basco Informer's Guild to earn his license.


Fenwick is self-employed. His company is Fenwick Enterprises.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Fenwick Enterprises.

Mental Trauma

Despite how badly Olmsted hurt him and the evils he created, Fenwick, in some torn way, still loves him and misses him very much. Fenwick is to the point where he doesn't really think he can romantically love anyone again, but his close relationship with Cane and the rest of Fidelia keep him from being too sad about it.

Intellectual Characteristics

Fenwick is very intelligent when it comes to technology and arcana and all things mechanical. However, he is quite a dullard when it comes to things that should be simple, like cooking or cleaning. His rich upbringing is perhaps the cause of that, as he never really had to do any of those things before.


Maxwell Fenwick

Former Partner (Important)

Towards Henry Olmsted



Henry Olmsted

Former Partner (Important)

Towards Maxwell Fenwick



Maxwell Fenwick

Business Partner (Vital)

Towards Kimberly Cane



Kimberly Cane

Business Partner (Vital)

Towards Maxwell Fenwick



Neutral Good
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown
210 lbs


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