
The party encountered an ettin southwest of Alfield , where it had rampaged and slaughtered a number of townspeople and Crownsguard. Windracer and Philan were familiar with ettins, as they are commonly found in the mountains where they are from. The others only knew of them from stories or books.    Ettins are giantkin, standing close to 13 feet tall. Their most notable feature, of course, is the fact that they have two heads. This one in particular was cantankerous, and quickly detected the party as they approached. It had thick skin, covered in dirt and grime beneath the stinking hides it wore. Its long stringy hair hungs in an unkempt mess about its faces, and its breath reeked even from a distance. The ettin attacked with two enormous morning stars, although not so much the military weapon, but more just two big clubs with spikes nailed into them. Philan caught the brunt of one blow, and it was nearly the end of him in one swing.    The ettin was, perhaps unsurprisingly, not subtle in combat. It simple waded in swinging at whatever caught its notice, until the party was ultimately able to wear it down.    The party did note that, since ettins are typically found in mountainous regions, it seemed odd for one to be found this close to civilization, on a grassy plain.