Session 2 - Into the Lost Tomb

General Summary

16 Sydenstar, Da'leysen, 835 P.D. - Alfield   The party awakens at dawn and makes their way downstairs in the Candleglow Inn. Everyone had a restful evening, save Philan. There, the common room is like a macabre carnival event. The afflicted townspeople remain where they were, frozen in fear.   The party is led by a miner named Alfie to the Tatum Mine. The party make their way through the broken wall of the mine and into the tomb. The first room has a dust-free spot from which the chest was stolen, and so the party returns the chest, feeling a sense of relief as they do so, but nothing else. They make their way into the tomb proper, bypassing a spiral staircase down to explore the main level further. It becomes clear as they explore that they have not entered from the "main entrance" of the tomb. They stop to examine several sarcophagi along the way, opening but ultimately electing not to steal anything from the corpses.   As they travel, Philan begins to feel progressively worse.   They make their way past an ancient dart trap, cleverly using a fallen statue to block the darts. In the original entry chamber, they have a brief combat with some giant centipedes that scramble out of one of the tombs. They also find (and choose to take) a diary, from which falls a scroll of detect magic.   Having cleared the first level, they return to the staircase and descend into an area that is part-tomb, part cavern, marked by a rushing underground river. They explore the area, eventually coming across a group of goblins who have staked a claim on the territory. They offer the party a beautiful rapier if they will help dispose of a meddlesome spirit who lurks in the area. The party agrees, and explores further. Eventually, they come across another sarcophagus, this time with a beautiful dwarven shield that they elect to take. Shortly thereafter, they discover what appears to be the main mausoleum, where they are greeted by the spirit of a dwarven lord, who thanks them for returning the chest of gold. He promises them he will lift the curse, and that the party can keep whatever plunder they find, if they will just get rid of the goblins. The party agrees to do this, and returns to do battle with the goblins.   The party attempts to lure the goblins to a more advantageous location for an ambush, by telling them they have defeated the spirit, but the goblins craftily choose to only send two of their kind to verify. The ambush goes well against the first two goblins, but they are spotted by the rest of the group, and battle ensues, with the rushing river between the party and the leader of the goblin troupe, who appears to be a spellcaster of some kind. The goblins are varied, with some warriors, an archer, and the leader casting spells, as well as peculiar creatures ("skitterlings") that look like housecat-sized flying rodents.   The challenging terrain makes for a difficult battle, and it wages on as we speak...
Report Date
25 Oct 2023