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Alicorns are hybrids of Sylvan Unicorns and Pegasi, specifically domesticated ones raised by the Núrakic Elves in western Adynía. These equids don't occur in the wild, and thus have only existed for little over a millennium.
In most cases, they are offsprings of a unicorn stallion and a pegasus mare, which results in a less aggressive nature than sylvan unicorns, while the opposite tend to be obstinate and rarely bond with more than one person. Alicorns are generally healthier and live longer than their parents, but are nearly always sterile.

Basic Information


Alicorns are both winged and have a twisted horn growing from their forehead, with a somewhat stockier built than pegasi and usually a thicker coat than unicorns.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

While only núrakic nobles have the right to own pegasi and unicorns, and scouts or messengers may borrow a pegasus for certain tasks, alicorns are restricted to royalty or gifted to those who have proven their loyalty. Traditionally, only the king, queen and heir apparent are allowed to ride on black alicorns, white ones are restricted to close relatives and those with other coat colours to more distant ones.
While they have been used in battle in the past, few núrakic royals would risk having this prestigious steed slain in battle, preferring to ride on either unicorns or pegasi instead. They are used primarily for traveling around Núrak, parades or to hold races on special occasions.  
Núrakic king on a winged unicorn by Lappalingur
Genetic Ancestor(s)
10-12 years
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The coat on most alicorns is variously blue dun, gray, black or white, with the latter two being most prestigious
Geographic Distribution

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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