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Sylvan Unicorns

Sylvan unicorns1 are horned equids native primarily to northern Núrak in western Adynía, where they can be found roaming the woods alone or in small herds. They are related to the Plains Unicorns native to Darden and Gysikan far to the east and closely resemble the latter, though somewhat stockier, with a darker coat and sport a larger horn growing from their forehead.
The twisted horn gives the animal the ability to produce bursts of wind magic strong enough to clear obstacles in the way or knock other creatures on the ground, although unlike the plains unicorn which does the latter before fleeing, the sylvan species often tramples on their foe while it's down. Núrakic folklore often describes the equid using its horn to pierce the heart of their enemies as well, though this is a myth.

Basic Information


Sylvan unicorns are more solitary and aggressive than their eastern cousins and mundane horses, particularly adult stallions with established territories, who tolerate other wandering non-territorial males so long as no mares are present, not unlike our world's grévy's zebras. Mares with foals sometimes form small, loose herds within a territory, while those without and non-territorial males roam the woods on their own.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Much like the plains variety, sylvan unicorns have been domesticated by the local núrakic elves, though at much later dater or some 1100 years ago, around the same time as Pegasi in southern Núrak due to both species being wilder than the former. Only nobles are allowed to own unicorns, in part because the animals are quite expensive to keep due to usually not getting along with mundane horses and thus require a separate pasture and sometimes stables.
While often used a mounts much like regular horses, including for calvalry, domesticated sylvan unicorns are also cross-bred with pegasi to produce Alicorns for the royal family.

1Original icelandic: skógareinhyrningar, singular: skógareinhyrningur.
Genetic Descendants
Western Adynía
10 years
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Wild sylvan unicorns have a mousy brown coat with darker limbs, head, mane and tail, while domesticated ones vary from bay to chestnut or gray. A white star is always present at the base of the horn
Geographic Distribution


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