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One Shot Campaign Session 1 Report

General Summary

Eventlog:   Party arrived at Trovebury and met Elmae, the leading officer of the Band of Shiv on Irun.   She told the party about the current situation on Irun, that a party of mercenaries was send out to deal with the situation earlier but that they lost contact with them, and that while they don't know if the source of their issue is an attack or a natural phenomenon they're certain that it is magical.   The Party split up asking the locals in the street about their situation while Joe and Hlae asked around in the tavern.   They slept in their prepared rooms and left Trovebury by early morning.   Joe tried to hunt some game for the Party to eat but his attempt was foiled by a loud gnome druid.   The group made quick progress walking the paved road through the forest.   In the afternoon they noticed that the ground around the road looked disturbed, as if a giant mole dug a tunnel next to the road. Tonk noticed the imminent danger first, she barely had time to warn the group before 3 giant insects emerged from the forest floor.   The party fought of the attacking animals and in the end managed to vanquish the creatures. On a hunch Tonk investigated the dead insects. Being a druid who spend most of her days wandering through forests she immediately knew that these creatures had no business being on this island. She also noticed a hint of magical residue of unknown origin on the carcass that she couldn't identify.   They continued their journey, following the road to the west and shortly after they came across a small settlement.   Tired from the fight and with dusk approaching the party decided to visit the village.   One of the villagers, in the middle of boarding up his home, told the group that a lot of people took shelter in the temple of Cosima, the god of Voyage. A god that was worshipped by the local community, especially by the many sailors. He also told them that there was an attack very similar to what the party had encountered a day earlier.   After hearing about the attack Joe split from the group starting to conjure his familiar. The spirit materialized in the form of a mole and the party went to investigate the site of the earlier insect attack.   The familiar dug through the thrown up earth and after a while it emerged with a small piece of wood.   The party gathered around and investigated the dug up wood.   The splinter had roughly the length of a grown man's hand while the width was about a third of it's length. The piece was smooth on one side and partly painted in a rich but weathered blue. The other sides of the splinter were frayed. After handing the piece of wood to Tonk she noticed the wood dripping with the same magical residue that she found on the insects earlier. After learning of the magical nature of the wood Hlae touched the splinter. And where Tonk couldn't pinpoint the nature of its magic the cleric felt the touch of something devine on the wood.   The group went back to the village and rested for the night.   The next morning they gathered themselves making a plan for the next day..

Character(s) interacted with

Insect Encounter:
One Shot Campaign
Hlae Grae Theel
Tonk Gibblegobble
Suut *with gapped teeth
Lawful Neutral Changeling (Soldier)
Paladin 5
34 / 34 HP
Joe Arschtreter
Report Date
05 Oct 2022
Primary Location

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