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Suut *with gapped teeth

Suut *with gapped teeth

The strong will prevail and the weak will perish, but all can be redeemed.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features

rather generic and not very detailed

Facial Features

Too lacking in detail to have definable characteristics other than looking washed out.

Identifying Characteristics

Gapped teeth upon introduction

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Suut *with gapped teeth was born to changeling parents in a small village consisting mostly of changelings with a few other humanoid and human families therein. His parents were merchants in the local market. Shortly after his birth, his father fell ill and was almost completely bed ridden by the time Suut was 2 years old. It was around this time that Suut's village was invaded by barbarians who killed mercilessly and indiscriminately anyone within reach. Suut's mother, who was working at the market ran away without attempting to save her family. When Suut's home was invaded, his father was killed immediately. Overcome with fear and stress, Suut's appearance changed several times to match that the men he saw before him. The group was so amused to see themselves crawling and wailing in the nude like toddlers, that they spared him and took him back to their camp. Suut's does not specifically remember what took place but was told the story many times by his captors who say his mother was also killed in the raid. He often has dreams of his father and mother, though it is hard to say whether they are genuine memories or figments of his imagination.
He was bullied harshly as he grew older for his considerable lack of strength compared to his peers. He had always been considered the "runt of the liter". Suut would always try to wear the mask of someone stronger but it never worked. It neither made him strong, nor did it convince anyone else that it did. Worse yet his elders would laugh hysterically as it reminded them of when they found him in his village. As he learned to hold back his tears, Suut's hurt and embarrassment was replaced by a growing rage and resentment. Along with that, a thirst to prove himself.
One day, while he was out fetching water from a brook not too far from camp, a rather large, unusually round rock caught his gaze. It stood at the bottom a steep hill. As if having been called upon by something greater than himself, Suut dropped everything and attempted to push the rock as far as he could up the hill. He didn't get very far. In fact, he got nowhere as the rock barely moved. Over the next several months he returned to the rock over and over. He began to hear a voice calling him to it, promising to give him strength. Each time he rolled it further and further up the hill before rolled back down into the brook. Finally, the day came when he found the strength to push the rock up to the top of the hill and it was there that he found the God of War. He promised to relive him of his weakness -- to lead him to victory give him strength no one has ever known. All he had to do was take the Oath of Conquest.
Although it was only his 15th birthday, he walked back to camp feeling like he could take on the world. He challenged the other kids wearing the mask of the leading barbarian and took them all down. They all had to listen as the elders cheered him on before breaking up the fight. He finally had something to be proud of. So, he returned to the hill everyday. He prayed to the God of War and became stronger, more admired and more feared. After he gained the favor of his fellow members of camp, he convinced them that they should no longer live in squalor and settle for modest spoils from poor village people. They must crush the weak and build a powerful nation of solders under the mightiest God in the realm.
And so they did. With every conquest and every drop of blood spilt, Suut grew stronger, more powerful. The God of War showed him the faces of mighty paladins who fought in his honor. Suut wore their masks proudly. Their ragged camp grew into a fortress of wealth and prosperity. But with all of his strength came an equal force of rage that became more difficult to control. There were times when he could not end the slaughter, even long after the battle had been won. His soldiers followed him faithfully and unquestioningly. So, it was all too easy to ignore.
The God of War one day called Suut attention to a small, poorly fortified city being built many miles away from his own. It was being guarded by an order of paladins worshiping a god that claimed to be the God of Strength. Suut found this both laughable and offensive, for no god was stronger than his own. Although there wasn't much to gain from destroying this city (it was far, they had no riches, and they presented no great challenge to his military), he decided he would go anyway. He had to show them who was the strongest really were. That turned out to be a mistake.
This army fought with a sense of unity that made it difficult to break through their ranks. Every injury was healed and the few deaths Suut's army could manage were made up for by ordinary citizens fighting alongside the order. They protected the vulnerable among them and were in turn protected by them when they themselves became vulnerable. The magic protecting Suut's men was dispelled through a great and unified effort by the order. As he saw his army failing, Suut became enraged. He fought with increasing recklessness and forced his men into fights they could not win. Many was killed. Many more fled. As they fled, he began to weaken until he was the only one left and it was all to easy for the paladins to take him into their custody.
The Oder of the God of Strength could very well have killed Suut, and they considered it. They imprisoned him instead as a sign of their mercy and to remind others of the power of their god. Suut lamented the loss of his power, of his men, and of his purpose. Everyday he grew weaker as a consequence, not only of his living conditions, but of the growing distance between himself and his god. It appeared he had been utterly abandoned. Sometime during the third year of his imprisonment, he was visited by a cleric. The cleric had heard of his downfall and felt that he could be redeemed. He asked many questions. Despondent, and utterly disinterested, Suut did not give any fulfilling answers. Finally, he asked Suut if he would like to be released for a short time to learn about the order. Out of total boredom and a sense morbid curiosity about the people who defeated him, he accepted.
Suut didn't know exactly what he might've expected, certainly something to do with the strength eluded to by their own god's namesake. Instead he told about resilience, accountability, trust, and bravery. His instinct was to laugh but it occurred to his that these men had defeated him when no one else could. So, he listened and the cleric could see he was moved. He offered not to put him back in prison but to allow him to live among the order under their watchful eye. Indignant, Suuk declined. It did not take long however for him to rethink the offer and accept upon on of the cleric's frequent visits. After a while, studying and occasionally even worshiping with the Order of the God of Strength, Suut finally began to see that perhaps there strengths beyond that which is purely physical. The he devoted himself to this new god, the more resilient he grew. He found himself more able be honest with himself and others about his own mistakes his fears, that he might one day overcome them. Over time he grew stronger physically as well as mentally. Suut felt more proud than he ever had before.
As a show of trust, the Oder of the God of Strength sent himon a mission to prove his strength and return having led as many as he can down the path to redemption.

Gender Identity





No formal education in his youth. He was educated in the manner of a paladin in the 6 years he spent with the other paladins after his imprisonment.


Odd jobs in his youth such as fetching water, delivering messages and parcels, and getting rid of pests.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Surviving an attack of his village through his (albeit unintentional) charm
  • Overcoming his low status among the barbarians
  • Leading his army through many victories, expanding their wealth and status throughout the land
  • Becoming a well regarded and respected paladin well on the path to redemption

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Suut's physical weakness was a constant source of embarrassment and led to desperate attempts to show his strength. These attempts always failed until he found the God of war.
  • His attempt to overtake the small city guarded by paladins for a lesser god failed miserably and miraculously. This lead to the loss not only of many of his men but all of the strength previously bestowed upon his by the god of war

Mental Trauma

  • The loss of his parents so sudden and violently, though he barely remembers it, leaves a void that is difficult to fill. There is likely an unacknowledged sense of regret that he could not protect them.
  • The bullying he endured for his weakness left him even more scarred and desperate fir answers.
  • After having lead his men to defeat and lost all of his power, he found himself at such emotional lows he could barely care about his imprisonment by the enemy.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is not particularly smart but decently educated considering his background. He is slow to catch on to clever jokes and witty banter.

Morality & Philosophy

Strength above all, in the name of Iborh.



Personality Characteristics


Pretty good actually

Suut is distinguished from others with the same name by a gap that appears between his two front teeth when he introduces himself. He was born "Sout" but the spelling of his name was lost when he adopted by barbarians.

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Lawful Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Stark white
Known Languages
Common, Orc, Celestial

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