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Session 2: a new friend and a lot of water Report

General Summary

Eventlog:   The party decided to travel to the temple of Cosima, the god of Voyage. After a brief discussion about the means of travel they started to make their way by foot.   After a short while the group heard a commotion in the woods close to the street. They got off the road to investigate the noise and soon found a hulking figure finishing off the last of a whole pack of ghouls with his bare hands. The corpses of the undead were littered around the giant man.   The goliath introduced himself as Andor, the last survivor of an adventuring party that was sent out by the Band of Shiv a few weeks earlier. The previous party got swarmed and quickly succumbed to a host hostile creatures. Andor made it out only by the skin of his teeth and spend days or weeks surviving on the island.   The group welcomed Andor into the party and together they ventured on towards their destination.   The party continued to follow the street until the road got lost in a beach that they were not expecting. They found themselves on the shoreline of a tropical ocean. A giant storm was throwing big waves towards the coast and colossal clouds were towering in the sky. The group couldn't make out any landmass on the horizon and after a brief moment of confusion where they all gathered around the map they got from Elmae the party was sure that they didn't get lost and that this ocean couldn't or at least shouldn't be there.   Joe was the first to act. He came to the conclusion that they were facing a powerful illusion and tested his hypothesis by walking towards the water. A big wave caught the fighter and threw him back towards the beach. Lightly bruised and spitting out sand he got back to the group with new information.. the ocean was real.   The party deliberated about their next steps and decided that they needed more information. Joe conjured his familiar who took the form of a hawk. The spirit shared its vision with Joe. The island just seemed to end where they were standing and there was no indication for the existance of land beyond this point in any other direction. He sent the bird towards the ocean, who immediately got caught by the strong winds of the storm above them. The bird barely made its way back from its small reconnaissance mission.   Suut, eager to help, sent out his summoned steed into the water. He thought the mighty horse would have no trouble manuvering the turbulent water and could give the group some insight into the danger that lied in front of them. The horse ran into the waves and starting swimming towards the open water. Just moments later a big wave caught the horse and the telepathic connection that Suut had with his summoned friend was severed abruptly.   Shocked by the force of the ocean the group thought about their next steps. Joe thinking about his familiar's view had a realization. As soon as the bird reached the waterline it got caught in the strong wind of the storm while they could barely feel a breeze. The oceans climate seemed to exist isolated from the rest of the island.   Unsure what to do with this information the group felt puzzled until they remembered the piece of wood they found the other day. Hlea took the splinter and made his way towards the water. While he was making his way to shore the others noticed an almost invisible phenomenon not unlike a mirage between Hlea and them. The cleric kneeled down and held the splinter where he anticipated the next big wave to end up. As the water touched the wood a vision of an ancient looking longboat flashed before everyones eyes. The bow of the ship was crested with blue and gold paint and it emmited an eerie glow before disappearing without leaving any trace.   The party was certain to have found something significant. They decided that maybe they needed to get the piece of wood deeper into the water or that there's a chance of finding a clue on the ocean floor. But even getting near the water was already proven to be mortally dangerous. The small druid thought about it for a second and then turned herself into an octopus. Tonk reached out a sucker packed tentacle in the direction of Hlea impatiently gesturing at the splinter. The dwarf gave the piece to the animal who started to crawl painfully slow towards the ocean. Andor took this as an unspoken request to speed things up. He grabbed the transformed Tonk and swung her over his head. Andor let go of the animal and Tonk got catapulted towards the open water.   The druid landed a little dizzy but unharmed behind the waveline. She submerged the splinter into the ocean but nothing happened. A little disappointed Tonk dove down into the murky water. The thrown up sand made it hard to see anything but she was determined to find whatever there was to be found. After a while of searching the area Tonk came to the conclusion that there just was nothing to be discovered. She started swimming back towards shore when a big wave picked her up and threw her towards the rest of the party. The octopus landed directly in Andors face. The suprised Barbarian panicked, and for a second time this day Tonk found herself getting unsolicitedly hurled through the air.   She transformed into a bird mid-air and flew back to the group. A blink of an eye later a pissed off gnome was yelling at Andor to never throw her again. The party discussed their next step. The trip into the ocean didn't uncover any new information besides a footnote of Tonk that the flora of the island looked off while she was flying through the air.   They decided that they would split up and investigate the obstacle from different angles. Andor and Joe wanted to get a view of the situation from the mountains in the west while Tonk, Hlea and Suut headed back the road to the Burrows of the giant insects. While the group of three had a rather uneventful journey following the road down south, Andor and Joe had to travel through the woods. They tried to follow the magical coastline while staying out of its direct influence, so they walked at a distance where they could only vaguely hear the stormy ocean but unable to see it anymore.   After about an hour of travel they couldn't hear the ocean anymore - instead they heared a close-by river north of them. They followed the noise of the water and shortly after they found themselves at the edge of the swamp that Joe was not able see earlier through his familiars eyes. The ocean was gone, or at least it wasn't there.   Eagerly Andor picked up Joe, put him on his shoulders and started to wade into the marsh. The barbarian had a hard time moving through the muddy water and soon he was stuck in the sludge to his theighs.

Rewards Granted

a Glob of purified Bug meat
One Shot Campaign
Hlae Grae Theel
Tonk Gibblegobble
Suut *with gapped teeth
Lawful Neutral Changeling (Soldier)
Paladin 5
34 / 34 HP
Joe Arschtreter
Report Date
14 Nov 2022
Primary Location

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