Figurehead Rank/Title in Aedes | World Anvil
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Figurehead is the title given to the caryatid ruler of the city-state of Caryatis.



The figurehead must hold the governance of Caryatis as their sole priority over the course of their rule. This requirement is disqualifying for many caryatids, who value their own personal liberty as of the utmost importance.


Each resigning figurehead has appointed their own successor, who has then been approved by a volunteer council. This has never posed an issue.


In practice, the figurehead
  • prioritizes what work is necessary for the wellbeing of Caryatis, and
  • finds inhabitants of the city willing to perform that work, doing it themselves if necessary.
This is generally straightforward, as caryatids are easily motivated by novelty and by challenge. Motivating the mortal inhabitants of the city can be more difficult, and often requires external incentives.


Figureheads are respected by the inhabitants of the city for their willingness to set aside their own personal desires for the greater good. The position carries no material benefits.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The figurehead wears a verdant sash as a symbol of their office.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Every figurehead to date has resigned voluntarily. There is no established procedure for dismissal.


Caryatis has had a figurehead since its founding.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
Their given name.
First Holder
Current Holders
Past Holders
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