Speaker Rank/Title in Aedes | World Anvil
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Speaker is a Caryatan political title established by the non-caryatid inhabitants of Caryatis. Put generally, the speaker is chosen by the mortal inhabitants of the city to govern them and represent them to the Figurehead and other caryatids.



Candidates for the office must have lived in Caryatis' Flesh District for the entirety of the previous speaker's term. In addition, they cannot be caryatids.


Speakers are elected by the residents of the Flesh District. Every household gets a single vote, which are made at an assembly. A two-thirds majority must be reached in order for a candidate to win; should a candidate fail to reach that threshold, another election will be held in a week's time.


There are two primary responsibilities associated with the role of Speaker: census-taking and representation.   A census of the Flesh District is taken every three years, immediately following the election of a new Speaker. All the inhabitants of a household are counted and grouped. This census is used to determine resource allocation throughout their term, and determines who is eligible to vote in three years' time.   Additionally, the Speaker is responsible for representing the desires of all mortal caryatans to the Figurehead.


The Speaker essentially has power over all non-caryatids in Caryatis. The caryatids, through the Figurehead, maintain certain absolute codes—no murder, for instance, and no slavery—but are otherwise pretty hands-off for fear of cowing the humans into submission. A selfish Speaker still has to provide for all mortals in Caryatis, but can funnel the best resources and favorable work to themselves or their allies.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

If a majority of the electorate calls for a recall election, one can be held at any time. If no new candidate receives two-thirds of the vote in a recall election, the current Speaker retains power.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
Length of Term
3 year, non-adjacent terms
Current Holders
Past Holders
Reports directly to
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