Aedes Zhanat's Wages
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Zhanat's Wages

Military action


Zhanat, refused iron weapons by the dwarves, gathered his armies and attacked the dwarven city of Beletsun. He and the bulk of his kobolds perished, but the surviving kobolds returned home with a handful of iron weapons, dubbed "Zhanat's Wages" in a strange mix of contrition and pride.

Aided ritually by the kobolds, Zhanat was able to melt the gates to the cavern city, only to encounter the fortified floor-to-ceiling wall between the market district and the inner city, manned by crossbow-wielding dwarves sniping through arrow slits. Zhanat tore several holes in the wall, opening breaches for the kobolds to press the attack, but ultimately perished when a team of dwarves sacrificed their lives to weaken a few select supports, causing a cave-in that killed Zhanat and many of the kobolds.

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