Subordinate Craftsman

Many craftsmen work for the Bastion. When you commission work from them, follow the rules below.  

1. Determine Treasury Cost

Items you commission from your craftsmen are paid for from the Treasury. The total cost for the item equal to 1d4 per Tier of the item + 1d4 per Grade of the item. When you commission the item, roll the dice to determine the initial cost.  

2. Master Craftsman Discount

Subtract the Workshop Level from the cost to get the final cost.  

3. Fund the Project

Like any business leader worth their salt, you complete the commission by throwing money at it. You have two options for funding the project.  

Save Up for It

For every point you roll on a Treasury Die at the end of a month, you can choose whether to convert it directly to income as normal, or to reduce the remaining cost of a project you have in the works.  

Borrow from Future You

Sometimes, waiting for the next payday is just too difficult. At any time, you can spend one of the treasury dice for your next month of income on a commission project. If you do, roll the die, and subtract half that value from the project's remaining cost. You do not earn that die of income on the next payday since it is already spent.  


The project is completed once it is fully funded. If you fully funded it by Borrowing from Future You, it cannot take less than 1d4 days per Item Grade. Otherwise, it is completed when fully funded, the assumption being that by the end of the month the craftsman has had plenty of time to work on it. All that remains is to retrieve it from your craftsman.