Elkorra Bottlebender

(a.k.a. Korra, El, Kori)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born just after the accession of King Voltarion, Elkorra's youth was spent at the side of her father Hazoc, a stone mason. She expected to stay in her home village of Dumfalder and take after her father, but when a falling piece of stone severly injured and disfigured Elkorra, she abandoned her stonemasonry plan.   By the time she was a young adult, Elkorra was extremely angry and it was suggested that she find a way to channel that anger. She took up swordsmanship and found herself to be very capable with a blade. She did not however, find that it was a very good way to release her anger, though it was likely because of a lack of opponents.   Her parents were extremely distrustful of humans, especially since the there were some in Dumfalder who claimed to have had parents or grandparents who'd lived thorugh Gennon Great Purge. Like most youth, Elkorra doubted her parents' distrust of humans. This developed into a fascination (and likely a bit of a fetish).   After a rock slide, caused by Tabaxi mining practically wiped out Dumfalder, Elkorra moved north, where she initially settled in the city of Qethan.   Despite the large size and diversity of the city, and Elkorra's fascination with humans, she found lodging in a small dwarven enclave near the city center.


Like most in the realm, Elkorra is pansexual.


Born and raised to a stonemason, Elkorra studied under her father until she was injured by a peice of falling debris and left disfigured. After a long recovery, Elkorra kept mostly to herself until she started studying swordsmanship. She found that despite having lost an eye, her abilities were outstanding and she continued training with a sword until she had to leave Dumfalder.   Once settled in Qethan, she apprenticed for a year and a half as leathersmith.


Once settled in Qethan, Elkorra apprenticed at a leathersmith before breaking out on her own. Initially, her client base was quite small, and she struggled financially, Eventually her customer base as well as her skill grew and grew a rather decent business.
Date of Birth
26th Day of Minesper
Year of Birth
664 AG 27 Years old
Dumfalder (Dwarven town near Redhawk)
Long, Wavy, Brown
4' 4"
144 lbs


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