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Merchant Klun Gulva

Klun Gulva

Klun Gulva was born into a family of travelling merchants, who made their living by trading goods and services throughout the Dwarven Kingdoms. From a young age, Klun was taught the importance of hard work, honesty, and integrity in business dealings. He spent his formative years accompanying his parents on their travels, learning the ins and outs of the trade, and honing his own skills as a merchant. As he grew older, Klun began to make a name for himself as a successful and respected merchant in his own right. He had a keen eye for value and was known for his fair and honest dealings. He also had a reputation for being a generous and charitable man, always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need.  

Arrival in Liv Grama

Klun Gulva arrived in Liv Grama with a small caravan of merchants, consisting of several wagons loaded with exotic goods from distant lands. As they entered the city, they were greeted by the bustling crowds and the sounds of commerce. Klun was immediately taken with the energy and vibrancy of the place, and he knew that this was where he wanted to make his home. He wasted no time in establishing himself as a prominent merchant, using his knowledge and business acumen to quickly turn a profit. His caravan was filled with rare and exotic goods, such as spices from the far-off lands of the East, precious gems and metals from the mines of the Dwarven Kingdoms, and fine fabrics and textiles from the distant city-states of the South.   As he began to build his business, Klun also became involved in the local community, donating generously to various causes and organizations. He quickly gained a reputation as a generous and charitable individual, always willing to lend a hand to those in need.   Despite his success, Klun remained humble and grounded, never forgetting his roots as a travelling merchant. He was always eager to share his knowledge and experience with others, and he became a mentor and role model to many young merchants and traders in the city.   Over time, Klun became a well-respected member of the community, admired and respected for his business acumen, his generosity, and his unwavering commitment to the people of Liv Grama.  


Klun was a man of great moral character and believed that it was his duty to give back to the community that had given him so much. He donated generously to the construction of public buildings, such as schools and hospitals, and helped fund public works projects that would benefit the city and its inhabitants.   Despite his immense wealth and influence, Klun remained humble and approachable, always willing to listen to the concerns and needs of his fellow citizens. He was beloved by many and respected by all, and his name became synonymous with generosity, fairness, and compassion.   Tragically, Klun and his wife were caught up in the riots that swept through the city in 79721 - 79722 FA. Despite their efforts to flee to safety, they were both killed in the violence, leaving their young son Klum orphaned and alone.   The news of Klun's death sent shockwaves through the city, and his passing was mourned by all who knew him. His legacy, however, lives on, and his name is still spoken with reverence and admiration by those who remember him. Klun Gulva was a true champion of the people, a man of great integrity and compassion, whose memory will always be cherished.  

Gift of Telepathy

Klun's gift of telepathy gave him a unique advantage in the world of commerce. He was able to sense the thoughts and intentions of his clients and business partners, allowing him to tailor his deals and negotiations to their specific desires and needs. Through his telepathic abilities, Klun was also able to pick up on subtle cues and emotions that others may have been trying to conceal. This allowed him to negotiate with a greater degree of success, as he could anticipate potential objections or hesitations and address them before they became an issue.   Klun's telepathic abilities also gave him an edge in detecting fraud and deception. He could sense when someone was lying or trying to conceal information, allowing him to avoid business deals that might have turned sour. This helped him to establish a reputation as a reliable and trustworthy merchant, further enhancing his success.   Overall, Klun's gift of telepathy allowed him to establish strong relationships with his clients and business partners, enabling him to build a successful and prosperous business.  

Death in the Riots of 79721-22

The riots that killed Klun Gulva and his wife were a result of a series of unfortunate events that had been brewing in the City of Liv Grama for years. It all started with a new tax law that was introduced by the city council, which was largely made up of the city's wealthy elite. The tax was levied on the city's poorer residents, who were already struggling to make ends meet. Many of them saw this as an injustice and felt that they were being taken advantage of by the council.   As time passed, the discontent among the poorer residents grew, and tensions began to rise. There were several instances of unrest in the city, with small-scale protests and acts of civil disobedience. However, the council remained unmoved and continued to enforce the tax law.   Things came to a head in the winter of 79721 FA, when a group of protesters gathered in the city's main square to demand that the tax law be repealed. The protest quickly turned violent when the city guard attempted to disperse the crowd using force. Stones were thrown, and fires were started as the protesters clashed with the guards.   The riots quickly spread throughout the city, with angry mobs attacking the homes of the city's wealthy elite. Many of the city's merchants and traders, including Klun Gulva, were targeted by the mobs. Despite attempts to flee the city, Klun and his wife were caught in the chaos and were killed in their own home.   The riots continued for several days, with the city descending into anarchy. The city guard was overwhelmed, and the council was unable to restore order. It wasn't until the King's army arrived in the city that the riots were finally brought to an end.   The aftermath of the riots was devastating for the city, with many of its residents left homeless and destitute. The council was dissolved, and a new governing body was established to try and restore order to the city. The memory of the riots lingered on for years, and it served as a stark reminder of the consequences of unchecked power and the dangers of ignoring the needs of the people.

Physical Description

Special abilities


Mental characteristics



Accomplishments & Achievements

Accumulated great wealth compared with his contemporaries; this enabled him to:
  • Grant an endowment to the Guild Hall of Liv Grama
  • The donation of statues to the Public Gardens of Liv Grama
  • Fund a program for students at the Commerce Guild in the Greater City if Kedara 

Morality & Philosophy

Endeavored to give everyone a fair price when conducting business

Personality Characteristics


To accumulate great wealth and influence

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Making Money
  • Negotiating Deals


Religious Views

Worshipped the Goddess Vitia, Goddess of Money, Jewels, & Stories

Social Aptitude

Extremely charismatic


Tended to gesture a lot when speaking

Hobbies & Pets

Would often go riding in the forest, along with socializing with fellow merchants


Deep, rich booming voice

Wealth & Financial state

Along with possessing items valued in excess of 10,000,000 Gold Pieces, Klun also owned property in the City of Liv Grama (Three Houses in the Western District & Mansion in the Northern District he also owned a town house in the Greater City of Kedara and a plantation in the fields of Sfewi fi Snguhi
Lawful Good
Current Location
78631 79721 1090 years old
Circumstances of Death
Murdered in the mob riots of 79727 - 79728 FA
6'3" or 190cm
400lb or 181kgs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Money has value, but People are Profit"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Fluent in:
  • All Dialects of Dwarven
  • Elvish
  • Common
  • Abyssal
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