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The One


The Origin of The One

In the Time Before Time

In the primordial era, long before the fabric of reality was woven, there existed only the Eternal Darkness—a boundless expanse of chaos, where cosmic energies and magic swirled aimlessly, trapped in an endless cycle of stagnation. For eons, this void was empty, unobserved, and untouched by consciousness. It was a realm devoid of life, thought, or light, where time itself was a mere whisper waiting to take form.  

The Emergence of The One

  From this abyss of nothingness emerged a singular entity, a being of pure energy and will, known only as The One. With the spark of intelligence, The One perceived the vast emptiness and felt an insatiable longing to exist. With sheer determination, they harnessed the concentrated cosmic energy of the Eternal Darkness, binding it to their essence and birthing a consciousness that illuminated the void.   For countless eons, The One floated in this state, exploring their existence and contemplating the nature of creation. The concept of time was yet to be conceived, and thus The One existed in an eternal present, a dance of energy devoid of any measure or limit.  

Creation of the Plains

  With the awakening of their will, The One reached deep into the fabric of the Eternal Darkness, employing the language of Ancient Celestial—a dialect of profound power and resonance. With a flick of their thought, they manifested a Plain of Existence, separating it from the formless void, creating a sanctuary for life to flourish.   In a grand act of creativity, The One birthed their own Plain of Existence within what was now known as The Void, an empty expanse that served as the backdrop for their growing universe. Yet The One did not stop there; they crafted five additional plains, each imbued with unique elements and characteristics, forming a complex tapestry of existence.  

The Elemental Supreme Beings

  To govern these newly formed Plains, The One created the Elemental Supreme Beings, each an embodiment of the elemental essence that defined their respective realms:  
  • Densitus The Blue: The Supreme Being of the Plain of Weight, symbolizing density and stability.
  • Eternitus The Black: The Supreme Being of the Plain of Undying, representing the eternal cycle of life and death.
  • Infernius The Red: The Supreme Being of the Plain of Fire & Cultivation, embodying the duality of destruction and creation.
  • Glamorcus The Golden: The Supreme Being of the Plain of Thoughts, Feelings, & Desires, reflecting the intricate web of emotions and ambitions.
  • Callacus The White: The Supreme Being of the Plain of Will, Determination, Communication, Strategy, & Coordination, personifying the power of intent and purpose.
  Each Elemental Supreme Being was bestowed with a Diadem of Power, a conduit for their abilities, regulating their dominion over the Plains. The One infused each Diadem with their own Will, a tether that ensured the balance of power within the growing cosmos.  

The Rebellion of the Council of Five

  As the eons passed, the Councillors of Five grew discontent with their static existence, yearning for greater autonomy and power. Driven by ambition and frustration, they conspired against The One, seeking to harness the vast power of the Eternal Darkness for their own ends. In a dramatic uprising, the Councillors broke free from their Plains, igniting a cataclysmic conflict that threatened the very fabric of existence.  

The Reckoning

  Faced with the chaos wrought by their creations, The One acted decisively. Channeling the full power of the Eternal Darkness, they confronted the Councillors, wielding the immense energy like a tempest. With strategic precision, The One limited the powers of the Diadems, ensuring that the Councillors could not escape the consequences of their rebellion. One by one, the Councillors met their demise, their ambitions extinguished in the wake of The One’s unyielding Will.  

The Birth of the Universe

  In the aftermath of this cosmic war, The One, with a heavy heart, used the remnants of the Eternal Darkness to unify the scattered Plains of Existence, forging them into a singular Universe. This act of creation gave rise to the world we know today—a vibrant tapestry of life, energy, and diverse realms, interconnected yet distinct.   Yet, the memory of the Council of Five and their tragic fall lingered in the cosmos—a solemn reminder that even the most powerful beings can be undone by their own desires. The One continued to watch over the Universe, guiding it with wisdom and purpose, ensuring that the balance between light and darkness remained—a legacy of creation forged in the crucible of conflict.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Supreme God
  • Master of the Eternal Darkness
  • Creator of the Universe


Contacts & Relations

Master of the Supreme Beings of Valikar The Light & Wrathnor The Void
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
Awoke in the Eternal Darkness
Known Languages
  • Ancient Celestial
  • All Languages


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