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Vitia - Demi-God of Money, Jewels & Stories

Vitia is a hugely respected and vastly celebrated goddess. Money, jewels and stories are vital elements this divine being is associated with and most would describe her as helpful and energetic. Often depicted as tall, strong, pretty and spotless Vitia is usually worshipped through offerings and alms.   There are many different places for those who desire the wisdom and guidance of Vitia, but shrines and larger prayer houses are a good way to start connecting. Worshippers are infrequently encountered and tend to come in the form of commoners and philosophers but appreciated are all those who seek the aid of this goddess. But only ever if the right offerings and alms are adhered to.   Kasdum is the lover of Vitia. This changes little regarding the aid Vitia may provide, but lovers require dedication and attention too.    

Interactions with Vitia

One day, a traveler named Arin came to a shrine dedicated to Vitia. He approached the altar and made an offering of a small silver coin. "Vitia, demigoddess of money and wealth," he said, "I humbly seek your guidance and aid in my endeavors." Suddenly, a voice spoke to him from the shadows. "And what is it that you seek, mortal?"   Arin turned around, but saw no one. "Who speaks?" he asked.   "It is I, Vitia, the demigoddess you have come to worship," the voice replied.   Arin was astonished. "I did not expect to hear your voice, great demigoddess. I seek your aid in my pursuit of wealth and prosperity."   Vitia's voice chuckled. "Ah, the pursuit of wealth and prosperity. A worthy endeavor indeed. But tell me, mortal, what do you offer in return for my aid?"   Arin thought for a moment. "I offer this silver coin as a symbol of my dedication and respect for you, great Vitia."   Vitia's voice spoke again. "Very well, mortal. Your dedication and respect are noted. Know that I can bring great blessings to those who seek my aid, but my power is not to be taken lightly. Proper reverence and respect must be shown to me, and offerings and alms must be given to win my favor."   "I understand, great Vitia," Arin said. "I will follow the proper rituals and show the proper respect to you and your lover, Kasdum."   At the mention of Kasdum, Vitia's voice grew softer. "Yes, Kasdum. He is my beloved, and his devotion to me is great. But do not let that deter you, mortal. Show the proper dedication and attention to both of us, and my aid will be yours."   Arin nodded. "I understand, great Vitia. I will follow your guidance and seek your aid in all my endeavors."   "Very well, mortal. You may go," Vitia's voice said. "May my blessings be upon you."   As Arin left the shrine, he felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over him. He knew that with Vitia's aid, he could achieve great success and prosperity in his life. And he vowed to follow the proper rituals and show the proper respect to Vitia and Kasdum, in the hopes of winning their favor and gaining their blessings.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vitia is often depicted as a tall, strong, and immaculate being. She is considered to be a demigoddess, and as such, her physical appearance is beyond that of an ordinary mortal. Her physical features are often described as flawless, and her beauty is said to be both awe-inspiring and intimidating. While the exact details of her physical condition may vary depending on the beliefs of different cultures and individuals, she is generally regarded as a powerful and imposing figure. Her stature and bearing command respect, and her energy and vitality are believed to be boundless. She is said to possess incredible strength and endurance, and is able to move with great speed and agility.   In many depictions, Vitia is shown wearing regal and ornate clothing, adorned with jewels and other precious materials. This is reflective of her association with money and wealth, as well as her status as a powerful and influential being. Overall, Vitia is believed to be a truly formidable presence, with a physical condition that is beyond that of mortal beings.

Special abilities

Vitia is believed to possess several special abilities that make her a powerful and influential demigoddess. One of her most notable abilities is her power to influence fate and destiny. It is believed that those who seek her blessings can gain the advantage of good fortune, and that she can help people achieve their dreams and aspirations. This ability is often associated with her association with money, jewels, and stories, as people believe that she can help them achieve success and prosperity in their lives.   In addition to her power over fate and destiny, Vitia is also believed to possess incredible strength, endurance, and agility. She is able to move quickly and gracefully, and her physical abilities are said to be beyond that of mortal beings. This makes her a formidable presence in battle, and those who seek her aid in times of war or conflict often believe that she can provide them with the strength and skill they need to emerge victorious.   Another ability often attributed to Vitia is her power of discernment. It is said that she is able to see through deception and falsehoods, and that she can provide people with insights and guidance that are beyond the grasp of mortal minds. This ability is highly valued by her followers, who believe that it allows them to make better decisions and avoid pitfalls that might otherwise have led to disaster.   Overall, Vitia's special abilities make her a highly respected and revered figure in many cultures. Her influence is felt in many aspects of life, from business and finance to war and conflict, and her aid is sought by many who seek success and prosperity in their endeavors.

Personality Characteristics


As a demigoddess, Vitia's motivations are often thought to be beyond the comprehension of mortal beings. However, her association with money, jewels, and stories suggests that she has a strong interest in wealth and the power it brings. It is believed that she is motivated by a desire to see her followers succeed and prosper, and that she is willing to lend her aid to those who show proper respect and reverence.   In addition to her interest in wealth and prosperity, Vitia is also thought to be motivated by a desire for knowledge and understanding. She is often depicted as a wise and knowledgeable figure, and her association with stories suggests that she has a deep appreciation for the power of narrative and the importance of storytelling. It is believed that she is driven by a desire to gain new insights and understandings about the world and the people who inhabit it.   Overall, Vitia's motivations are likely to be complex and multifaceted, reflecting the many different aspects of her personality and the many roles she plays in the lives of her followers. Her motivations may be difficult to fully understand, but her aid and guidance are highly valued by those who seek her blessings.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: Wealth and Finance: Vitia is strongly associated with money and wealth, and is believed to have a deep understanding of finance and economics. She may be able to provide guidance and insights into financial matters that are beyond the grasp of mortal beings.   Destiny and Fate: As a powerful figure who is believed to have the ability to influence fate and destiny, Vitia may have a keen sense of intuition and foresight. She may be able to offer guidance and insights that can help her followers achieve their goals and realize their aspirations.   Discernment: Vitia is often depicted as having the ability to see through deception and falsehoods. She may possess a sharp sense of intuition and be able to offer guidance and insights that can help her followers navigate difficult situations.   Ineptitudes:   Impulsiveness: Vitia's association with money and wealth may make her prone to impulsive decisions and actions. She may be easily swayed by the promise of wealth and power, and may need to exercise caution to avoid making decisions that could have negative consequences.   Arrogance: As a powerful and respected figure, Vitia may be prone to arrogance and a belief in her own infallibility. This could lead her to dismiss the perspectives and opinions of others, and may cause her to make decisions that are not in the best interests of her followers.   Lack of Empathy: Vitia's focus on wealth and prosperity may make her less attuned to the needs and struggles of those who are less fortunate. She may need to work to cultivate greater empathy and understanding, and to use her powers and abilities to help those who are in need.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Wealth and Prosperity: Vitia is strongly associated with money, jewels, and stories, and is believed to have a deep appreciation for wealth and the power it brings. She may enjoy the finer things in life, and may be drawn to those who are successful and prosperous.   Wisdom and Knowledge: As a demigoddess who is often depicted as wise and knowledgeable, Vitia may have a deep appreciation for learning and understanding. She may be drawn to those who seek knowledge and wisdom, and may be motivated by a desire to gain new insights and understandings about the world.   Devotion and Reverence: Vitia is greatly respected and revered by her followers, and may appreciate those who show proper respect and reverence to her. She may be drawn to those who seek her guidance and aid, and may be motivated by a desire to help others achieve success and prosperity.   Dislikes:   Deceit and Dishonesty: Vitia is often depicted as having the ability to see through deception and falsehoods, and may have little tolerance for those who are dishonest or deceitful. She may be drawn to those who are truthful and straightforward, and may have little patience for those who try to manipulate or deceive others.   Poverty and Struggle: While Vitia is associated with wealth and prosperity, she may also be motivated by a desire to help those who are less fortunate. She may have little patience for those who are greedy or selfish, and may be drawn to those who seek to use their wealth and power for the greater good.   Disrespect and Disregard: As a powerful and respected demigoddess, Vitia may have little patience for those who show disrespect or disregard for her. She may be drawn to those who show proper reverence and devotion, and may be motivated by a desire to help those who seek her guidance and aid.

Virtues & Personality perks

Virtues: Wisdom: Vitia is often depicted as a wise and knowledgeable figure, with the ability to provide guidance and insight to her followers. Her wisdom may be sought out by those who seek to achieve success and prosperity in their lives.   Prosperity: As a demigoddess associated with money, jewels, and stories, Vitia may be believed to have the power to bring wealth and prosperity to her followers. Those who seek her aid may do so in the hope of achieving financial success and abundance.   Guidance: Vitia's association with destiny and fate may make her a powerful figure to those who seek guidance and direction in their lives. Her followers may look to her for help in navigating difficult situations and making important decisions.   Perks:   Protection: Vitia may be believed to have the power to protect her followers from harm, both physical and spiritual. Her blessings and aid may be sought out by those who face danger or adversity.   Blessings: Vitia's aid may bring great blessings to her followers, such as good fortune, success, and prosperity. Her blessings may be seen as a reward for proper respect and reverence.   Transformation: Vitia may be believed to have the power to transform the lives of her followers, helping them to achieve their dreams and aspirations. Her aid may be sought out by those who seek to change their lives for the better.   Overall, Vitia's virtues and perks reflect her role as a powerful and influential demigoddess, with the ability to bring great blessings to those who seek her guidance and aid.

Vices & Personality flaws

Vices: Greed: Vitia's association with money and wealth may make her prone to greed and a desire for material possessions. She may be drawn to those who are wealthy and powerful, and may prioritize their needs over those who are less fortunate.   Impatience: Vitia's focus on prosperity and success may make her prone to impatience and a desire for quick results. She may be less inclined to take a long-term view and may prioritize short-term gains over more sustainable approaches.   Arrogance: As a powerful and respected demigoddess, Vitia may be prone to arrogance and a belief in her own superiority. She may be less inclined to listen to the perspectives and opinions of others, and may make decisions based on her own judgment rather than seeking out different viewpoints.   Flaws:   Lack of Empathy: Vitia's focus on wealth and prosperity may make her less attuned to the needs and struggles of those who are less fortunate. She may be less empathetic and compassionate towards those who are struggling or suffering.   Short-sightedness: Vitia's focus on wealth and prosperity may make her less inclined to take a long-term view and may prioritize short-term gains over more sustainable approaches. She may not fully appreciate the long-term consequences of her actions.   Rigidity: Vitia's strong beliefs and values may make her less open to new ideas and perspectives. She may be less willing to consider different approaches or adapt to changing circumstances.   Overall, Vitia's vices and flaws reflect her human-like qualities and make her a more complex and relatable figure for her followers.


Vitia - Demi-God of Money, Jewels & Stories

Spiritual Lover (Vital)

Towards Kasdum- Demi-God of Chains, Power, & Life



Kasdum- Demi-God of Chains, Power, & Life

Spiritual Lover (Vital)

Towards Vitia - Demi-God of Money, Jewels & Stories



Divine Classification
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lady of Wealth: Vitia's association with money, jewels, and stories may make her a powerful figure for those who seek wealth and prosperity in their lives.   The Divine Storyteller: As a demigoddess associated with stories, Vitia may be known as a powerful and influential storyteller, capable of weaving tales that inspire and enlighten.   The Mistress of Fate: Vitia's ability to influence destiny and fate may make her a powerful figure for those who seek guidance and direction in their lives.   The Patron of Prosperity: Vitia's ability to bring wealth and prosperity to her followers may make her a powerful figure for those seeking success and abundance.   The Sage of Wisdom: Vitia's association with wisdom and knowledge may make her a powerful figure for those seeking guidance and insight in their lives.   The Goddess of Alms: Vitia's association with offerings and alms may make her a powerful figure for those seeking to show proper respect and reverence to the divine.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6'11" or 210 cm
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Verily I say unto thee, wealth is but a tool in the hands of the wise. Use it wisely, and it shall bring thee great blessings and abundance." "Let it be known that the stories we tell hold great power and meaning. They have the ability to inspire, teach, and transform those who hear them."   "Know this: destiny is not a path set in stone, but a journey that can be shaped by our choices. Seek my guidance, and I shall help thee find the way."   "Be not deceived, for the greatest wealth is not found in gold or jewels, but in the knowledge and understanding of the world around us. Seek wisdom, and it shall be given unto thee."   "Verily, I say unto thee, determination and hard work are the keys to success. With diligence and effort, even the most difficult challenges can be overcome."   "The path to success is not an easy one, but it is one that can be achieved with the right mindset and the right actions. Let thy faith be strong, and thy perseverance unyielding."   "In the face of adversity, we must be strong and resilient, for it is through perseverance that we can achieve our goals and realize our dreams. Let thy spirit be unbroken, and thy resolve unshaken."


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