Golden Horizon Corp.

Golden Horizon Corp, known simply as GHC, is the official political leadership organization of Copperhold. Founded centuries ago by a group of enterprising goblins, GHC has since grown into a powerful force that dominates the city's political and economic landscape.
  GHC is officially recognized as the governing body of Copperhold, and the corporation's leaders are elected to their positions through a complex system of voting and appointment. The company's headquarters are located in the heart of the city, a towering structure that serves as a symbol of their power and influence.
  Despite their political dominance, GHC is first and foremost a trade company, with a keen eye for profit and a deep understanding of the complex network of commerce that underpins Copperhold's economy. They control much of the city's wealth and resources, and are responsible for overseeing the many trade deals and negotiations that keep the city's economy thriving.
  GHC's influence extends far beyond Copperhold itself, with the company maintaining trade relationships with many other cities and regions across Kalash. They are known for their shrewd business dealings and their willingness to do whatever it takes to secure a profitable outcome, leading some to view them as unscrupulous and ruthless.
  Despite this reputation, GHC is also respected for their skill and expertise in navigating the complex web of politics and commerce that governs the world. They have proven themselves to be capable leaders, adept at managing the many challenges and crises that inevitably arise in such a complex and dynamic environment.
  GHC's ultimate goal is the continued prosperity and growth of Copperhold, and they are willing to make difficult decisions and sacrifices to ensure that this goal is achieved. They have invested heavily in the city's infrastructure, commissioning the construction of new factories, warehouses, and transportation networks to support their trade operations. They are also staunch advocates for the rights and interests of the city's merchants and business owners, using their political power to protect them from harm and ensure fair treatment in all dealings.
  As the official political leadership of Copperhold, GHC holds immense power and influence over the city and its inhabitants. They are the driving force behind its economy, culture, and society, and are committed to ensuring that Copperhold remains a thriving center of commerce and innovation for generations to come.
Controlled Territories