
Copperhold, the main Goblin city northeast of Moʻuppuk in the jungle of Cralco, is a bustling metropolis that embodies the essence of goblin culture. The city is a marvel of engineering and innovation, with towering smokestacks belching out clouds of steam and machines of all kinds churning away day and night. From simple gadgets to complex mechanical marvels, the goblins of Copperhold have built a city that is a testament to their ingenuity and creativity.   The streets of Copperhold are filled with a constant buzz of activity, as goblins scurry about their business. The city is a hub of commerce, with markets and trading posts spread throughout its sprawling streets. It is a place where merchants from all over come to make deals and trade goods, and where fortunes can be made or lost in the blink of an eye.   Despite the city's focus on commerce, there is a clear hierarchy to Copperhold's power structure. At the top are the wealthiest and most influential goblins, who control the city's most valuable resources and industries. They are the ones who make the decisions that shape the city's future, and their word is law.   However, there are always those who seek to challenge the established order, and the underbelly of Copperhold is a hotbed of activity for those looking to gain power and wealth through less than savory means. From organized crime syndicates to gangs of marauding goblins, the city is a dangerous place for those who do not know how to navigate its intricate web of alliances and rivalries.   Despite the cutthroat nature of life in Copperhold, there is a sense of camaraderie among the goblins that call the city home. They are a fiercely loyal people, who will stop at nothing to protect their own. It is this sense of community that has allowed Copperhold to thrive and prosper, even in the face of adversity.   In the end, Copperhold is a city that is defined by its people, their ambition, and their drive to succeed. It is a place where the relentless pursuit of wealth and power is the driving force behind everything, and where those who can rise to the top can carve out a life of unimaginable luxury and privilege.
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