The Bronzegarde

Bronzegarde is a guild that has been around for decades, surviving through the tumultuous times and ever-changing political landscapes of Korana. Its leader, Fabio Fansěl, is known throughout the land as a skilled adventurer and strategist. Under his leadership, the guild has grown to become the largest and most well-known in the region.   Despite its size and fame, Bronzegarde maintains a tight-knit community of adventurers who look out for one another. Every member is expected to contribute to the guild's success and work together to complete dangerous missions. This camaraderie has led to many strong friendships and partnerships between members, allowing the guild to accomplish feats that would have been impossible otherwise.   One of the key aspects of Bronzegarde is its ranking system. This system allows adventurers to easily identify the skill and experience level of their fellow guild members. The lowest rank, Copper, is reserved for new members or those with little experience. As members complete more missions and gain more renown, they can rise through the ranks, with the highest rank, Adamantine, reserved for the most legendary adventurers in the guild.   Bronzegarde also offers a variety of perks to its members, based on their rank and level of contribution. These perks can include access to exclusive missions, discounted prices on equipment and supplies, and even access to rare magical items. As members rise through the ranks, they gain access to increasingly powerful perks, making Bronzegarde one of the most sought-after guilds to join.   Despite its success, Bronzegarde is not without its controversies. Some critics have accused the guild of taking on dangerous missions without proper consideration for the safety of its members. Others have raised concerns about the influence the guild wields in Korana's political and economic spheres. However, the guild's members remain fiercely loyal to one another and to their leader, and are always ready to defend the honor and reputation of Bronzegarde.  
  • Copper - The ability to accept copper level quests, keep 20% of all quest payments, free rooms for up to 3 nights, and 10% off at guild affiliated shops
  • Silver - The ability to accept silver level quests and below, keep 25% of all quest payments, free rooms with breakfast for up to 7 days, and 15% off at guild affiliated shops
  • Gold - The ability to accept gold level quests and below, keep 30% of all quest payments, free rooms with breakfast for up to a week, and 20% off at guild affiliated shops, access to the guild library
  • Bronze - The ability to accept bronze level quests and below, keep 40% of all quest payments, 25% off at guild affiliate shops, free basic adventuring equipment, ability to request help from lower ranking members, all previously stated perks
  • Mithril - The ability to accept mithril level quests and below, keep 50% of all quest payments, free gear repair, unlimited free stay with free meals, all previously stated perks
  • Adamantine - The ability to accept adamantine level quests and below, keep 80% of all quest payments, all previously stated perks


  To retire from the Bronzegarde guild, an adventurer must go through a careful process. The guild values its members and wants to ensure that they are leaving on good terms and with everything they are entitled to.   First, the adventurer must submit a formal request to retire to the guild leader, Fabio Fansěl. This request should include the adventurer's reasons for retiring and when they intend to leave the guild. The guild leader will then schedule a meeting with the adventurer to discuss their retirement and any concerns they may have.   During this meeting, the guild leader will inform the adventurer of any benefits or perks they are entitled to as a retiring member. These benefits may vary depending on the adventurer's rank and level of contribution to the guild. For example, retiring members may be allowed to keep certain pieces of equipment or access to the guild library.   Retiring members may also be given a pension based on their rank and length of service. This pension can be paid out in a lump sum or as ongoing payments, depending on the retiring member's preference.   Additionally, retiring members may be given a special retirement badge that identifies them as a former member of the Bronzegarde guild. This badge can be worn as a mark of pride and honor, and may also offer certain benefits when interacting with guild members in the future.   It's important to note that retiring from the Bronzegarde guild does not necessarily mean severing all ties with the guild. Retiring members are always welcome to attend guild meetings and events, and may even be called upon for their expertise on certain missions. In fact, many retiring members choose to stay involved with the guild in some capacity, whether as a mentor to new members or as an advisor to the guild leader.   Overall, the process of retiring from the Bronzegarde guild is a thoughtful and respectful one. The guild values its members and wants to ensure that they are able to leave with dignity and the recognition they deserve for their service.
Guild, Adventuring
Alternative Names
Adventurer's Guild
Leader Title