
The Sunhallowed is not just any ordinary order of paladins, but a holy institution that has served Myrica for centuries. Legend has it that the order was founded by the very first paladin to serve under Myrica's divine guidance. Ever since then, the Sunhallowed has grown into an organization of immense power, revered by the people of Lighthaven and beyond.   Godrum Lightguard, the current leader of the Sunhallowed, is a descendent of Bothvar, one of the greatest paladins in the order's history. Godrum's leadership has been a boon to the order, as he has worked tirelessly to maintain the Sunhallowed's reputation for excellence in service to Myrica. Under his leadership, the order has grown even stronger, and its members have become known for their unwavering devotion to the goddess.   All guards within Lighthaven are paladins of the Sunhallowed, but their role within the order is the lowest rank. They are responsible for maintaining law and order within the city, and are often called upon to assist the more senior members of the order in times of crisis. Despite their lower status, however, the guards of the Sunhallowed are respected and admired by the people they serve.   The five ranks of the Sunhallowed each have their own specific duties within the order. The High Commander is the main leader of the order, and is responsible for making all major decisions. The Sunswords are responsible for combat training and leading the order's military campaigns. The Sentinels maintain law and order within the city. The Solstace Knights oversee the temples, ceremonies, and rituals, while the Peacekeepers focus on diplomacy and maintaining peaceful relations with neighboring regions.   Although the High Commander has the final say in matters of great importance, most decisions are made by a majority vote among the five main leaders. This democratic approach has helped to ensure that the Sunhallowed remains true to its founding principles of justice, honor, and service to Myrica. Despite the challenges and threats that the order has faced over the years, the Sunhallowed has remained steadfast in its commitment to upholding these values, and continues to be a beacon of hope and strength in the face of darkness.  
"I swear by the light of Myrica, to uphold justice and honor in all my deeds. I will serve as a beacon of hope in times of darkness, and defend the weak and innocent from all harm. I will show mercy to those who seek redemption, and bring swift justice to those who would harm others. I will stand strong in the face of evil, and fight tirelessly to protect the innocent and uphold the laws of Myrica. By the power of the Sunhallowed, I pledge my unwavering devotion to the goddess and to the people I serve."


High Commander - Godrum Lightguard

  • Final authority on all major decisions affecting Lighthaven and Myrelis
  • Oversees the other branches of government and ensures they are fulfilling their duties
  • Acts as a mediator and arbitrator in disputes between the other branches
  • Represents Lighthaven in diplomatic negotiations with other cities and countries

Sentinels - Watchman Corvatus Valich

  • Maintains law and order within Lighthaven, including investigating crimes and apprehending criminals
  • Oversees the city's defenses, including its walls and gates, and acts as the first line of defense against external threats
  • Enforces the laws and regulations set by the High Commander and the other branches of government
  • Works closely with the Peacekeepers to gather intelligence and ensure the safety of Lighthaven

Solstice Knights - Lightbearer Jenssel Sunshield

  • Oversees the worship of the sun goddess and the city's religious practices
  • Conducts religious ceremonies and rituals, and provides spiritual guidance to the citizens of Lighthaven
  • Maintains the city's temples and other religious structures, and ensures they are kept in good condition
  • Advises the High Commander on matters related to religion and morality

Sunswords - Blade Commander Cacilian Macceld

  • Oversees the city's military and defense strategy
  • Trains and equips the city's soldiers and guards
  • Plans and executes military operations as needed to protect Lighthaven and Myrelis
  • Maintains the city's armories and training facilities, and ensures they are kept in good condition

Peacekeepers - Overseer Kastistes Bernis

  • Gathers intelligence on potential threats to Lighthaven and Myrelis
  • Engages in subterfuge and espionage as needed to protect the city and its interests
  • Acts as advisors to the High Commander and the other branches of government on matters related to foreign policy and intelligence gathering
  • Works closely with the Sentinels to ensure the safety and security of Lighthaven.

Public Agenda

The Sunhallowed was founded in response to the growing threat of the Blackheart Knights. The people of Korana were living in fear as the dark paladins gained power and continued to commit atrocities throughout the land. Their brutal tactics and disregard for the lives of others left many feeling helpless and without hope.   However, in the midst of this darkness, a glimmer of hope appeared. Bothvar Lightguard, a legendary paladin, founded the Sunhallowed with the sole purpose of putting a halt to the Blackheart Knights' reign of terror. He gathered a small group of like-minded individuals who shared his vision of a brighter future, one where justice and righteousness prevailed over fear and oppression.   The Sunhallowed quickly gained a reputation as a beacon of hope for the people of Korana. They fought tirelessly against the Blackheart Knights, often putting themselves in harm's way to protect innocent civilians. They were known for their bravery, their unwavering dedication to their cause, and their ability to inspire others to join their fight.   Despite the Blackheart Knights' continued efforts to crush the Sunhallowed, the paladins remained steadfast in their mission. They trained tirelessly, honing their skills and perfecting their strategies. They developed new tactics and weapons to counter the Blackheart Knights' dark magic, and worked to uncover the source of their power.   As the years passed, the Sunhallowed continued to grow in strength and numbers. They inspired hope in the hearts of the people, and their reputation as defenders of justice and righteousness only grew stronger. And although the Blackheart Knights remained a formidable foe, the Sunhallowed never wavered in their resolve to put an end to their reign of terror.


The Sunhallowed have accumulated a vast number of assets over the many centuries they've been in existence. Though their strength in raw power may have diminished, they still possess formidable resources that keep Lighthaven a well-defended city. These assets include, but are not limited to, their vast knowledge of Myrica's teachings, a sprawling network of informants and spies, and an extensive armory filled with enchanted weapons and armor.   Myrica's teachings are passed down from generation to generation within the order, and it is considered sacred knowledge that only the most devout of the Sunhallowed are allowed to learn. This knowledge has allowed them to develop powerful spells and enchantments, as well as strategize for potential conflicts.   The Sunhallowed also have an intricate network of informants and spies that help them keep an eye on potential threats to the city. These spies can be found in every corner of the surrounding regions, and they report back to the order about any suspicious activities or individuals they come across.   Finally, the Sunhallowed's armory is a treasure trove of powerful weapons and armor that have been enchanted by the order's most skilled Paladins. These weapons and armor are imbued with magical properties that make them far more powerful than their non-magical counterparts. In addition, the Sunhallowed also have a team of expert blacksmiths who create new weapons and armor for the order, ensuring that they are always equipped with the best equipment.   Despite the recent economic decline, the Sunhallowed have been able to maintain their assets and continue to protect Lighthaven with their formidable resources. As adventuring guilds continue to settle in the city, it is likely that the Sunhallowed will find new ways to utilize their assets to ensure the safety of the city and its inhabitants.


The story of the Sunhallowed dates back to a time long before the kingdoms of Korana existed. It is said that in the early days, the land was ruled by fierce beasts and powerful monsters that terrorized the people. In this time of darkness, a young man named Alarian Lightguard heard the voice of the goddess Myrica in his dreams. She called upon him to become her champion and to use his strength and courage to defend the innocent and defeat evil.   Alarian took up Myrica's call and began to gather followers to his cause. These warriors trained in the ways of combat and the divine arts, becoming the first paladins to walk the land. They were known as the Sunhallowed, for they wielded the power of the sun to smite their foes and bring light to the darkness.   As the Sunhallowed grew in numbers and power, they began to push back against the monsters that had plagued the land for so long. With the blessings of the gods, they were able to overcome even the mightiest of beasts, and their legend began to spread throughout the land.   Over time, the Sunhallowed became more than just a group of warriors. They became a symbol of hope and justice, a beacon of light in a world filled with darkness. They founded the city of Lighthaven as a testament to their faith and their commitment to protecting the people of Korana.   Throughout the ages, the Sunhallowed have faced many challenges and enemies, both from without and within. But they have always remained true to their ideals, and their legacy continues to inspire new generations of paladins to take up the mantle of the Sunhallowed and defend the innocent from evil.

May the Light be upon you.

Founding Date
4571 1E
Religious, Holy Order
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories