Lord Aethalwald Character in Aelwad | World Anvil
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Lord Aethalwald

Wants: · to conquer all of Gwyned,   Why:
  • wealth, to pay off debt and obtain personal glory, youngest son of merchian lord, not going to inherit land.
  • driven mad by power, he is using horrific and desperate tactics to win his war.
  • Sticking point: · earth caste resistance, orc invasions, local population unhappiness · Baggage trains being attacked · Money is tight/ debt building up ( pressure from high elves ) What is he doing: · establishing front lines along the river bank in the vale of clwyd, · removing all religious iconography, tearing down waystones, disrupted waystone network which has increased void born activity all across gwyned. · calling for troops from all God fearing nations, very well paid troops ( much more than they would get in their homeland

    Wealth & Financial state

    poor, high levels of debt
    Current Location
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Aligned Organization
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