Marcher Lords Organization in Aelwad | World Anvil
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Marcher Lords

The marcher lords are being funded by the high elves to conquer Gwyned, their ultimate goal is to find a fragment of a crown long since lost. The wars between all of these players have continued almost uninterrupted since the early years of crusade, however recent invasion from orcish Vikings have forced those living on the island to form an uneasy peace while this new threat is assessed.   These treaties signed forty winters past have kept the warring factions of Prudain in an uneasy peace. However in recent years independent human forces led by so called ‘Marcher Lords’ have seized lands belonging to the free peoples in the name of the one true faith. These lord were not signatories of the treaties and thus declare themselves above its restrictions, emissaries have been sent to the sayson kingdoms to demand answers, and while it seems certain that they offer no political support to these marcher lords, they are all quite prepared to profit from their exploits.
Geopolitical, Barony
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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