The Holy Ruven Empire Organization in Aelwad | World Anvil
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The Holy Ruven Empire

The Holy Ruven Empire is without a doubt the largest and most powerful organisation in the known the unity faith world.   it encompasses a loose confederation of states that all swear loyalty to the Holy Ruven Emperor, Frederich II.   Most of the history of the empire is marred by constant civil war and strife, petty kingdoms within the empire constantly vie for power and influence in the courts of the emperor and their loyalty often only lasts until ones back is turned. With the rise of the Caliphate in the south, the human unity kingdoms have enjoyed an uncharacteristic period of peace and cooperation, the threat of foreign and alien peoples at the door and stopped wars between the kingdoms and empires of the unity faith (even if some of the lesser nobles have used the opportunity to further their own agendas).   as the richest and largest state in the unity faith, the Holy Ruven empire has been charged with protecting the true faith by any means necessary by the grand pontiff of ruven   its citizens are wealthier, freer and happier than most peasants in other lands, and even the lesser races (elves and dwarves) enjoy a degree of tolerance not provided by other unity faith lands.


Confederal Elective Monarchy.  the King emperor of the Holy Roman Empire is elected by the head of each of his vassal states, often kings themselves. when the Emperor dies the vassal kings elect a new emperor from amongst one their number at the Diet of kings, or Reichstag. however, it is normal practice for the emperor to abdicate the throne before his death to ensure his son gains the throne and the crown stays in the family.


Germanic, Unity Faith, Human

Public Agenda

To bring bring all of the peoples of the Unity faith under one banner, so as to protect the faith and its believers.


tremendous manpower, unparalleled farm output, Free guild cities that promote trade, central location.


originally a group of city-states that banded together to defend themselves against ork incursions from the north, their interdependence in the face of increasing external threats led them to forsake their fierce independence (to some extent) and group together for survival. now they have become the foremost power in the known world, should they ever truly unify who would dare stand against them?

Demography and Population


Erneuerung durch Einheit (Renewal through Unity)

Founding Date
1203 AF
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Eutchemen Kingdoms
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Judicial Body
Reich Reicht
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
The Holy Ruven Empire
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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