The Hinterlands Geographic Location in Aelwad | World Anvil
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The Hinterlands

the most north-westerly state in the Holy Ruven Empire.   thanks to its coastal position and access to the sea trade routes, it is one of the wealthiest states in the empire.   traditionally an absolute monarchy rules over the hinterlands and swears fealty to the holy Ruven empire throne.   Since the death of the last king, the rule of the hinterlands has fallen to a steward until an election of the dukes, which is due to take place every ten years while a king does not sit on the throne.

Natural Resources

copper form the mines in the south huge timber reserves from the forests of the west Tin from the northern boarder region large waterways that keep the low land very fertile


The Hinterlands was originally a collection of warring city-states that would ally when threatened by some external threat (usually forces from Gallia or orkish raiders from the north). eventually, all the city-states joined into an elective dukedom, that elected a king to rule the entire state.   The hinterlands with its a long history of elective monarchy were one of the first to join the Holy Ruven empire. however they have maintained their distinctive culture, and remain fiercely independent and pragmatic to this day.
Alternative Name(s)
The Low lands
Coast / Shore
Location under
The Holy Ruven Empire
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