
(a.k.a. Warm Embrace, Divine Aide, All Mother, the Friend, Gentle Goddess)

The gentlest of all the Greater Deities, Ancara is often seen as a friend by those who serve her rather than a lord. She frequently walks among her followers as though it isn’t unusual, though her time is quite understandably torn across many nations and planes, so it’s unlikely that one singular worshipper will speak with Ancara directly more than once, regardless of station in the clergy. As such a kind and personable deity, Ancara is widely loved by the majority of Elzveir’s populace, even those who do not directly serve her. Mythology suggests that Ancara and Asuliad are lovers, though there is little the support such tales.


Divine Form

Ancara’s Divine Form is that of a small young woman wearing a patchwork dress that resembles a quilt more than an article of clothing. She dresses in hues of purple and pink, though the colors are a gradient that constantly shift. Her hair is blonde, braided, and kept beneath a fine hat with a single large feather in it. She is often seen carrying one of several items: a broom, a pot, or a pan flute.


Ancara wants people to know it is her when she appears to them, as she often does, so she typically appears in an avatar that closely resembles her Divine Form. However, she has been known to transform into a pink dove from time to time, often so that she can make hasty appearances throughout the festivals thrown in her name.

Holy Places

There are many shrines and small temples devoted to Ancara, given how widely loved she is by all. However, three in particular serve as primary locations of devotion and worship for Ancara. Whether they are tended to by clerics who wish to use her penchant for life and healing, or monks who wish to spend their days meditating on her kindness and comforting presence. Each of these grand locations devoted to worship of Ancara is strategically placed to ensure it is feasible for nearly anyone to find a place of true devotion to the goddess of comfort and love.

Roserun Temple

Tucked away in the base of the Spine of Aldur is a beautiful temple surrounded by waterfalls. While cold due to its proximity to the northern reaches of Elzveir, any who venture to Roserun will find it to be among the warmest places they have ever ventured. Hearths are always lit and stew is always bubbling away, waiting to be fed to any who come to Roserun seeking shelter or teaching. Roserun is also quite easy to find, given the roses that uncharacteristically sprout from the ground in a mile-wide radius surrounding the temple. At Roserun, monks often study healing or the Way of Life may also be taught there to those who can be trusted with the complexity of its teachings.


Petalshore is a gorgeous cathedral just outside of Ancaton in Buern. It sits on the eastern shore of Lover's Branch and gets its name for the many flower petals that wash up there, particularly following the Festival of Flowers, when Lover’s Branch is covered with flowers by the people of Ancaton. Petalshore has frequently been declared the most beautiful place in Elzveir by any who have visited there; even the most sour minds who spend an hour at Petalshore will walk away content and warmhearted.

Church of the Mother

Upon the southernmost peninsula of the nation of Copari is the extravagant settlement of Marvest, and in this seaside city is the Church of the Mother. While this church worships Ancara, it does so differently than most. Rather than regarding Ancara as the Friendly Goddess, they view her as the Motherly Goddess, showing more respect and fear in their devotion than friendliness. Ancara has spoken no known rejection of their teachings, though there are some worshipers of Ancara who find the increased reverence and decreased familiarity to be distasteful and counter to who Ancara is to most Elzveirian people; while all who worship Ancara respect her, the very crux of the goddess's worship is one of simple comfort rather than dogmatic awe, and the Church of the Mother stands in defiance of this creed.

Said one Priest of Ancara regarding the Church of the Mother: "Copari has shown yet again that they are incapable of empathy, kindness, and love through their application of the industrialization that permeates throughout its nation to our religion of comfort and simplicity. While Ancara accepts all into her embrace, the Church of the Mother tests the limits of even our beloved goddess's affections. If any need the comforting love of the Friendly Goddess, it is the oppressed civilian of Copari, yet even in a church devoted to Ancara within their country's borders, the downtrodden Coparian shall find no rest."

Divine Domains

Comfort, Daylight, Kindness, and Love

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A pan flute enveloped in a scarf of blonde hair.

Tenets of Faith

  • Prioritize the collective weave over the singular thread.
  • Let love flow forth as a river, abundant and adapting.
  • Offer kindness as lantern's light, mindful of shadows cast.


Ancara has two Hallowdays, each occurring during the spring seasons. The first marks the first day of spring, while the second marks its end. While the Hallowdays are commonly celebrated across all of Elzveir, particularly the Festival of Flowers, the most common places where they are celebrated as days of true worship are Miliim, Buern, and Aerdis. The city of Ancaton, in particular, makes a huge show of each festival. During the Festival of Flowers, the people of Ancaton fill Lover's Branch with so many flowers that the water cannot be perceived.

Greeneve. On the evening of Daith 13th, shortly after The Melting, those who wish to please Ancara will tend to their gardens on a night known as Greeneve. Whether this means the gardens surrounding their personal estate, a community garden shared with others, or plants kept indoors, the act is one of service to Ancara and a show of good faith that she will bless them with beautiful plants as spring takes hold and winter fades.

Festival of Flowers. Occurring on Kier 30th, this festival marks the end of spring and the beginning of summer. This is Ancara’s Hallowday that is celebrated all across Elzveir by both religious and non-religious individuals. Nearly every settlement in Elzveir will be brightly decorated on this day, with beautiful banners, garlands of gorgeous flowers, and more all filling the streets. From dawn to dusk, the streets are filled with music, laughter, and dancing as everyone takes in the last cool evening before the warmth of summer strikes.

Divine Classification
Great Deity


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