Arnan Bredelul

Arnan Bredelul

Level 5
Level Details
Character Level and Experience.
Experience Bonus: 2
Max HP 45
HP Overview
Your HP refers to your Health Points, which are a mixture of both your physical and mental wellness.
Pain Limit: 15
Death's Door: 3
Respite HP Recovery: 22
Excess HP: 0
Max HP Modifier: 0
Max SP 3
Stamina Points Details
Stamina and Endurance.
Breather SP Recovery: 1
Excess SP: 0
Max SP Modifier: 0
Max MP 4
Magic Points Details
Magic and Spellcasting.
Breather MP Recovery: 2
Excess MP: 0
Max MP Modifier: 0
Spellcasting Stat: 27
Spellcasting Stat Quotient: 2
Speed 20
Speed Details
Movement and Agility;
affects your turn order in combat and other scenarios.
Speed Modifier: 0

Dexterity 20
Dexterity Overview
Dexterity is your reflexiveness and precision.
Max: 30
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 2
Modifier: 0
Might 5
Might Overview
Might is your musculature and raw power.
Max: 30
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 0
Modifier: 0
Carry Limit: 50
Half Carry Limit: 25
Drag/Push/Lift 150
Vigor 10
Vigor Overview
Vigor is the strength of your body, especially your lungs and heart.
Max: 30
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 1
Modifier: 0

Acuity 14
Acuity Overview
Acuity is your perception, reason, and strength of will.
Max: 40
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 1
Modifier: 2
Cognition 14
Cognition Overview
Cognition is your intellect--your ability to retain and apply knowledge.
Max: 40
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 1
Modifier: 4
Wile 27
Wile Overview
Wile is the strength of your personality and sense of self.
Max: 40
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 4
Modifier: 6

Dexterity Resistance
Dexterity Resistance Notes

Might Resistance
Might Resistance Notes

Vigor Resistance
Vigor Resistance Notes

Acuity Resistance
Acuity Resistance Notes

Cognition Resistance
Cognition Resistance Notes

Wile Resistance
Wile Resistance Notes


Common Skills

Athletics Notes
Finesse Notes
Grace Notes
Intuition Notes
Notice Notes
Performance Notes
Power Notes
Search Notes
Speech Notes






Walk 6
Notes for Walk
Pace Walk Modifier: 0

Fly 0
Notes for Fly
Pace Fly Modifier: 0

Burrow 0
Notes for Burrow
Pace Burrow Modifier: 0

Climb 1
Notes for Climb
Pace Climb Modifier: 0

Swim 1
Notes for Swim
Pace Swim Modifier: 0

Notes for Mundane Trial
Your Mundane Trial applies in various circumstances where you must set a difficulty trial for an opposing entity without the aid of magic.
Highest Physical Stat Quotient: 2
Mundane Trial Modifier: 0
Notes for Arcane Trial
If you are able to cast spells, you have an Arcane Trial, which is the difficulty trial for entities opposed to your magic.
Highest Physical Stat Quotient: 2
Mundane Trial Modifier: 0
Notes for Unarmored Defense
Your Unarmored Defense is, more specifically, your ability to dodge attacks while not wearing armor (or use a shield to parry such blows. More nimble characters will have a higher Unarmored Defense than others, as this relies on your Dexterity.
Dexterity Quotient: 2
Worn Shield Rating:
Size: 2
Defense Unarmored Modifier: 0
Notes for Armored Defense
If you are wearing armor, you will rely on your Armored Defense, which is based on vigor rather than Dexterity like Unarmored Defense. Armored Defense assumes that you are being physically hit by an attack, but are not sustaining the damage because it can't break through your armor.
Vigor Quotient: 1
Worn Armor Rating:
Worn Armor Tier: Light
Worn Shield Rating:
Defense Armored Modifier: 0


Notes for Daggers
(Level up)(Untapped Potential)
Notes for Fight
Apply (apply a toxin or other effect to an item)
Attack (attack with a weapon you are holding, or make some other attack roll)
Called Shot (exchange a number of enhancements for flaws to gain an effect on one attack or similar roll)
Evade (attacks against you until the start of your next turn are +1 Flawed)
Exchange (item interaction involving another creature, like giving a potion)
Grapple (attempt to grapple a creature no more than 1 Size larger; Athletics, Grace, or Power check)
Hide (Grace check against Passive Notice. Must be at least Partially Covered)
Hold (Hold one action and define a trigger for it. Wasted if the trigger does not occur by the start of your next turn. Held spells are expended regardless. Holding an attack only triggers a single attack).
Jump (jump a height or distance equal to Might Quotient, or double the distance by running for at least 2 Paces in a straight line)
Sprint (you move an additional time this turn)
Stabilize (make a Trial 15 Knowledge check to attempt to end the Dying state on a creature. Trial increases by 10 for each Death Test the creature has failed thus far).
Tool Usage (use a tool, within reason)
Withdraw (you do not trigger Advantage Attacks for the rest of your turn).
Aim (gain +1 Enhancement on your next range attack, which must be made immediately after aiming).
Assist (give a creature +1 Enhancement on their next skill check using the skill you are using to assit them. You must at least be a Beginner with that skill to assist).
Interact (interact with an object like a door, chest, lever, etc. GM may rule in some cases that an interaction requires more than a Secondary Action).
Use (Use an item on yourself, like drinking a potion)
Advantage Attack (when a creature you can see within the reach of a weapon you're holding, or 1 Pace if unarmed, attempts to leave that reach, you may make one attack against the creature with the relevant weapon).
About Face (when you take damage originating from behind you, you may turn around to face the source of the damage)

Blade Arcane
A cherished discipline among spell blades, Blade Arcane stands as a formidable method for augmenting weapon-based assaults, infusing both the weapon itself and the strikes executed with it with formidable magical prowess. Throughout history, spell blades have harnessed the might of Blade Arcane to assert their dominance on the battlefield, melding their innate mastery of weaponry with finely honed arcane arts.
Icon Blade Prime
1 Primary Action
1 Round
No Focus
a melee weapon
You imbue a melee weapon you touch with magical power. Until the end of your next turn, all attacks made with that weapon are +1 Enhanced. The attacks are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming Protections and Immunities.
2 Extend the perpetuation of this spell by 1 Round
3 Add an additional +1 Enhancement to attacks made with the weapon.
Icon Blade Imbue (1)
1 Secondary Action
1 Round
No Focus
a melee weapon
1d4 Elemental
You imbue a melee weapon you touch with elemental energy. Until the start of your next turn, all attacks made with that weapon deal an additional 1d4 points of damage of an Elemental Damage type you choose when you cast this spell. The elemental energy fades at the start of your next turn.
1 Increase the added damage by one dice tier (d6, d8, d10, and d12), to a maximum of 1d12.
2 Extend the perpetuation for another round.
3 Instead of an Elemental Damage type, you may choose an Esoteric Damage type when you cast this spell.
Icon Blade Flurry (3)
1 Primary Action
No Focus
a melee weapon you are holding, which is not consumed.
1x 5-Pace Sphere
2d10 Sonic
You move more quickly than an ordinary being can perceive, guided by the weapon you are holding, which becomes enchanted as part of the casting of this spell. Choose up to 3 creatures you can see within a 5-Pace radius sphere centered on you and make one weapon attack with the weapon you used to cast this spell (applying the total attack roll to all affected creatures). On a hit, a target takes the weapon's typical damage and an additional 2d10 Sonic Damage.   After all damage from the attack is resolved, you may choose any space within the spell's area to teleport into.
1 You may target one additional creature within the spell's area.
2 Increase the radius of the spell's area by 5 Paces.
Icon Blade Empower (5)
1 Secondary Action
1 Round
No Focus
iris agate worth 1,000g, which is consumed.
a melee weapon
1d4 Elemental
You clutch an iris agate crystal in one hand while your other hand touches a non-magical melee weapon for the duration of the spell's casting. At the end of the casting, the weapon has a permanent +1 to its attack and damage rolls. Alternatively, you can choose to give the blade a permanent +1d4 damage of an Elemental Damage type you select.
5 Instead of the original effect of the spell, you can increase the dice tier of the bonus Elemental Damage that a magical weapon already does by one tier (d6, d8, d10, and d12), to a maximum of d12. This requires expending an additional 500g of iris agate for each tier above d4 (so converting a d6 to a d8 would require an additional 1,000g of Iris Agate, while converting a d10 to a d12 would require an additional 2,000g of Iris Agate).

A hex, the epitome of curses, is a swift and potent incantation targeting a singular entity, afflicting it with various detrimental effects. Countless witches sustain themselves solely through the mastery of this spell, employing it to punish those who fail to compensate them for their services or dare to challenge them. The ability to haunt one's prey, instill dread within their souls, or gradually drain them of vitality is a formidable and dreaded power, often deemed worthy of the blood price exacted to unleash such curses.
Icon Slayer's Hex
1 Primary Action
1 Hour
a creature
Distance 15
You take 1d4 Rot Damage and curse a creature you can see within range, enhancing your ability to harm it. For as long as the creature is cursed in this way, your attack rolls against it are +1 Enhanced.
1 Your attacks that hit the creature also deal an additional 1d4 Damage of the attack's damage type. Choosing this empowerment again increases the dice tier by one (d6, d8, d10, and d12), to a maximum of d12.
3 Your attacks against the creature receive an additional +1 Enhancement.
4 This spell no longer requires Focus
Icon Stalker's Hex (1)
1 Secondary Action
1 Hour
a creature
Distance 15
You utter a curse at a creature you can see within range, taking 1d4 Rot Damage as you magically link yourself to the creature's blood. Until the curse ends, you magically know the exact distance between yourself and the creature, as well as which direction it is in if you are in the same domain as it. If the creature is in a different domain than you, you know which domain it is in, but not where in the domain it is.
1 Increase the maximum PErpetuation of this spell by 1 Hour.
1 Increase the range of this spell by 5 Paces.
4 This spell no longer requires Focus.
Icon Terror's Hex (4)
1 Primary Action
1 Minute
a creature
Distance 15
1d10 Will
You take 1d4 Rot Damage as you utter a curse of terror at a creature within range. The creature immediately becomes Terrified of you (if the creature is Immune to being Terrified, this spell has no effect) for as long as the spell persists. At the start of each of the creature's turns, while it is Terrified in this way, it must make an Acuity Resistance check if it can see you. On a failure, it takes 1d10 Will DAmage.
1 The Will Damage becomes 1d12 instead of 1d10.
4 This spell no longer requires Focus.
Icon Agonizer's Hex (10)
1 Secondary Action
1 Hour
a ritualistic goblet worth 1,000g, which is not consumed.
a creature
You fill a valuable, ritualistic goblet with your blood, taking 4d6+40 Rot Damage as the magic saps your blood to fill the cup. Your Maximum Hit Points are reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction persists until the curse ends for the target of this spell, and you are considered curse while you suffer it. Lifting the curse from yourself also ends the curse for the target creature.   Declare the name of the creature you wish to curse with this spell. It becomes cursed, wherever it is, unless it has protection from curses or is on a domain that differs from your own, in which case the spell fails. If you failed to speak the creature's real name, the spell also fails. If the curse is successful, the blood in the goblet completely evaporates.   While cursed by this spell, the creature's maximum hit points are reduced by 1 each time it falls asleep. This curse cannot reduce a creature's maximum hit points to zero. The reduction persists until the curse is lifted and cannot be removed by other means.   The caster can willingly end the curse at any time as a Primary Action. If the caster or the target dies or the goblet is destroyed, the curse ends early. Ending the curse for the afflicted through other means, such as a curse-removal rite, requires being in possession of the goblet that was used to cast this rite.
2 Increase the Maximum Hit Point reduction the cursed target experiences each time it falls asleep by 1.
4 Reduce the Rot Damage dealt to the caster by 5. This cannot reduce the dice damage.

Casters who wield curses often recoil from the darker arts of necromancy, setting boundaries they refuse to transgress. Yet among those who embrace the shadows, there exists a coveted spell: Lichdom, a sinister path to fabricated eternal life. This dark incantation grants the caster the ability to shuttle their soul between corpses and objects, offering the promise of everlasting existence if their designs remain unimpeded—a fate often contested by Asuliad clerics who oppose such pursuits. The journey to becoming a lich is fraught with peril, and most who dare it meet their demise. Yet those who prevail emerge as formidable and legendary entities, feared and revered in equal measure.
Icon Soul Harvest
1 Minor Action
No Focus
a creature
None+10 Will
You touch a creature that is Dying or at Death's Door. Deal 10 Will Damage to it.
1 Increase the Will Damage dealt by 5.
2 If this spell kills the target, you gain Excess Hit Points equal to the HP it had before you cast this spell on it.
Icon Extract Will (2)
1 Minor Action
No Focus
a creature
You touch a Size 1 or larger creature that is Dying or at Death's Door. Reduce its remaining Stamina to 0. You regain an amount of Stamina equal to what was removed from the target (up to your Maximum SP).
1 If the Stamina you would regain exceeds your maximum, you gain any remaining Stamina as Excess Hit Points.
Icon Extract Prowess (2)
1 Minor Action
No Focus
a creature
You touch a creature that is Dying or at Death's Door. Reduce its remaining Magical Prowess to 0. You regain an amount of MP equal to twice the amount removed from the target.
1 If the Magical Prowess you would regain exceeds your maximum, you gain any remaining MP as Excess Hit Points.
Icon Soul Vessel (15)
1 Minor Action
No Focus
immortal's blood worth 1,000,000g and the skulls of 10 hominids who regarded the caster as a friend and were slain by the caster's own hand without magic, all of which are consumed. Additionally, a suitable vessel which can be opened and closed is required, which is not consumed.
Acuity, Wile
the vessel used for the casting of this spell
None+10 Acid
None+10 Will
Only one caster may participate in the casting of this rite. A single creature may only successfully cast this rite once in its existence.   You arrange the severed skulls of 10 hominals who once regarded you as a friend—each of whom you personally killed without the use of magic—into a tower, which you then pour 1,000,000g of immortal's blood onto, allowing the blood to drip through the eye sockets, nasal cavities, and jaws of the skulls as you recite the dark incantation of lichdom and clutch the vessel used to cast this rite.   As the casting continues, the skulls each come to life, wailing the death cries of your slain allies. The souls of the fallen are torn from the afterlife to reinhabit their skulls, where they are tethered as the casting continues. For each hour of the casting, you must make an Acuity or Wile Resistance check (your choice) with a trial of 30. On a failure, the skulls are destroyed with the tethered souls freed, the rite fails, and you are reduced to zero Hit Points, entering the Dying State.   If you succeed on each of the resistance checks required and the rite's casting is successful, each of the souls associated with the skulls are permanently, irrecoverable destroyed and the skulls turn to blood, though the blood still remains in the shape of the tower of skulls, flowing upward. The caster must then step through the tower, still holding the vessel, and remain there as the skull saps away at the caster's life, dealing 10 Acid Damage and 10 Will Damage each minute, reducing the caster's Maximum Hit Points by the same amount.   Once the caster's Maximum Hit Points are reduced to zero, the caster's soul is tethered to the vessel used to cast this spell, and their body dies. The blood loses its form, splattering to the ground in a pool, no longer magical.   The caster is now a lich.   As a lich, the caster's Maximum Hit Points are set to 300, regardless of its other stats and abilities. It becomes Immune to Strike, Lacerate, and Impale Damage, and is Protected from all Elemental Damage Types. The lich does notneed to breath, drink, eat, or sleep, and its creature type is now Undead. It is also Immune to the Unconscious, Vulnerable, and Fatigue States. The body is no longer alive and begins to decompose at this point, eventually reduced to nothing but a skeleton.   The caster's soul is tethered to both the vessel and the body that it occupies, with a tenth of the soul in the body and the rest in the vessel. When the lich dies, the soul in its body is destroyed, but the soul in the vessel remains. After 3d4+10 days, the soul in the vessel awakens and splits again, severing another 10th of the original soul from itself, which inhabits a corpse of the lich's choosing within 1 kilometer, provided that the corpse is not protected from divining magic or possession. The corpse now has all of the lich's statistics and abilities as it falls under the lich's control. The corpse continues to age and decompose. A lich may only do this nine times after its original corpse's death. When the lich inhabits a tenth corpse, its soul vessel no longer contains a soul and becomes non-magical. If the lich is slain then, its soul is immediately and irrecoverably destroyed by Asuliad himself.   The soul in the vessel can be destroyed early. To do so, a rite that removes magic from an artifact must be cast on it. As part of the rite's casting, the full, true names of the ten hominids who were slain to cast this rite must be spoken in order for the soul in the vessel to be successfully destroyed. Once the soul in the vessel is destroyed, the vessel becomes non-magical. If the lich is currently occupying a corpse when this happens, it knows that its Soul Vessel has been destroyed and knows the name(s) of the caster(s) who destroyed it. If the lich is slsain while it has no soul vessels, its soul is permanently and irrecoverably destroyed.
5 The Acuity and Wile Resistance checks you make as part of this spell's casting are +1 Enhanced.
10 You may tether your soul to one additional vessel. Doing so reduces the number of times you may enter a new corpse by one. Your 9/10ths of a soul are split between any created vessels as desired.
15 You may enter an additional five corpses before the soul vessel becomes non-magical. This effectively splits your soul into 14/15ths instead of 9/10ths across any created vessels.
Eldritch Revelations (B) - increased cgn by 3
Battlemage (A)

When you use your Primary Action to cast a LowSpell, you may make a weapon attack with a one-handed weapon you are holding as part of the Primary Action

Weapon attacks you make as part of your Battlemage ability are +1 Enhanced

Doom Harbinger (B)

As a Secondary Action on your turn, you may teleport to an unoccupied space of your choice within 2 Paces of a creature affected by a Hex you cast on it. You must be able to see the creature (but do not have to be able to see the space), and it must be within 10 Paces of you.

Curse Lord (B)

Learn the Hex Spell

  Jinxsworn Blade (B)

. Over the course of a 1 Hour ritual, you may transform a melee weapon with which you are experienced into your Jinxblade. Attack rolls you make with your Jinxblade are +1 Enhanced. The weapon is magical. If you are ever more than 1 Pace away from your weapon, it vanishes. You can choose to summon or dismiss your weapon as a Minor Action. You may only have one Jinxblade at a time. To create a new one, you must perform a 10 Minute ritual to remove the power from your other Jinxblade. If you die or the power is otherwise removed from your Jinxblade, it appears on the ground at your feet.

Description: Occult Knowledge (Master) Vaelzi Cultist
Description: Lost Memory
Benefit: Untapped Potential (Dagger Experience)



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