Session 2: The Case of the Tiny Gardener

General Summary

Ivy and Kyle were busy shiddin and fartin, but the group took on a call without them. Fernario Sunsprout, a beefy gardener with dreamy eyes, had snuck into a secret garden to take cuttings and seeds from some plants. His girlfriend, Liana, ate too many glowy mushrooms and now was about the size of a thimble. He needed to cure her… for… logistics.

The group found their way into the garden, which turned out to be a bit of the Weird bleeding into Prime. Therein, they tried various mushrooms and Carter worked through his rickety emotional state post-learning Reggie was not the love of his life. After wandering around for a while, fighting some turtles, and getting high, they met a helpful moet that Colm was able to speak with. Colm told a very sad story about his great grandson.

Mycelio (Myke) told Colm the cure would be in the center of the forest and to listen to some of the other mushrooms. To the garden’s horror, Colm took a bite a mushroom instead of speaking to it. Then Carter ate all of the mushrooms he could find and became just as tiny as Liana.

They could have snuck past the colossal gloom guardian... but instead they threw a grenade. Jimbo killed the gloom guardian and brought down the entire forest.

The group wrote a love song to the great tree of love, who didn’t respond to Carter’s sad meanderings but did finally come back to life to revive the entire garden with a boost from Rhy-Ann. The tree gifted the two tiny beings the medicine to become big again.

After this whole ordeal, Liana left Fernario, who was now broke af after spending all of his money trying to rehab her. The group never saw either of them again. But if they did… Fernario would say, it’sa me… Fernario.

Report Date
23 Mar 2024
Primary Location
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