
(a.k.a. Divine Father, Great Embrace)

Revered as the Divine Father by some, Bolkor represents guardianship, family, and community. Similar to Ancara, this causes him to be widely loved across Aen, though he is viewed as a far more stern deity than she is. There is also a variety of ways by which Bolkor is honored and worshipped. Some view defending their homes and going to war as a service to the god, while others simply view being loving toward their family and friends as reverence enough. The broad scope of Bolkor's divine tenets and their interpretations makes him one of the most commonly worshipped deities in all of Aen. Even those who do not truly worship Bolkor are likely to have a small statue of the god on the mantle in their home.


Divine Form

In his Divine Form, Bolkor resembles a towering, blue-grey skinned giant with a long beard. He is accompanied by a storm of lightning, storm, and thunder at all times, with a dark cloud wreathing much of his body. The sheer size of this figure is enough to render him feared, commanding only awe when witnessed.


When Bolkor appears to individuals, he typically appears to them in a manner he believes will most represent a loving father to that individual. This generally means that he takes on the shape of that person's ancestry, but he may also believe that to be discomforting rather than comforting, assuming an alternate form in such cases. Whatever the form, it is easy to tell that it is Bolkor given his long white beard, which is consistent across any avatar he assumes.

Holy Places

Due to the diversity of Bolkor’s provinces, he has a multitude of holy places. Some shrines are constructed over the hearths within the homes of his worshippers while others have been built on battlefields for those who died fighting for their homeland. Wherever a shrine to Bolkor is built, it is sure to draw the reverence by those who see it. Apart from his shrines, there are various temples and prominent churches built to honor Bolkor.


Constructed in the heart of the Divine Wall on the border of Buern and Aerdis, Hearthreach was built to honor the many meals shared between soldiers of the warring nations during the Courting. Over time, it has become a temple dedicated to practicing the beliefs of Bolkor, but its original purpose as a monument to peace among a few warriors has not been forgotten.


A lone, spiraling tower on a small island off Copari's southern coast, Sunspire is one of the tallest structures in Elzveir. The goal was to bring individuals as close to the cosmos as possible without the aid of flight, and it has certainly succeeded in this. However, the deity that this ancient structure was built to has long been dead, and it was since coopted by servants of Bolkor that it might become a place of peace and refuge. This grand tower in the Rossian Channel can be seen from many kilometers away, a beacon of hope and safety. It is also in completely uncontrolled water, belonging neither to Copari nor Kathaya, the nearest two nations.

God's Table

God's Table is not a literal table, but a grand cathedral in Austyg, the capital of Aldurstein. All are invited to convene at the cathedral, whether they follow the teachings of Bolkor or not. Meals are shared there often, but the church is more than a dining hall; beds are available for those who are weary or do not have homes of their own, and it has served as an orphanage since its inception.

Meta Details

Divine Domains

Family, Community, Protection, and Orphans.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A golden castle over a blue-grey sphere.

Tenets of Faith

  • Love and protect your family.
  • Serve your community.
  • Welcome the isolated and lonely.


Bolkor has two Hallowdays, both of which are widely celebrated. Each on is intended to be a day of rest and relaxation with one's family, shifting focus from the hardships of daily life to what what matters the most.

Day of Breath. The Day of Breath occurs on Erta 23rd. On this day, everyone is encouraged to stay at home with their families to enjoy time with them. Acts of labor are canceled and, sometimes, even battles are forgone in honor of the day, allowing for a break in ongoing conflicts. Famously, during The Courting of Ejiiri, Buern and Aerdis stayed their hand on this day. Soldiers on either side of the border conflict mingled among one another on this day, which led to desertion in some rare cases due to a lack of desire to continue fighting the war that only involved them by vague proxy. Some people of Buern and Aerdis have, since then, honored the Day of Breath by meeting at the border to enjoy meals together. It's an uncommon form of celebration of Bolkor's hallowday, but it has become a tradition for many of the people of the two southernmost nations.

Bolkor's Gifting. Bolkor's Gifting is the most jovial of all hallowdays. Taking place on the 25th of Tek, toward the end of the year according to the Trynn calendar, Bolkor's Gifting is a day for families and loved ones to exchange gifts with one another. Typically, each person within a circle of friends and family is given a name at random representing the individual they are meant to acquire a gift for, ensuring everyone receives one present. However, wealthier individuals often purchase or create a multitude of gifts for their loved ones.



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