Colm Keogh

Colm Keogh

Hailing from O'Dai in Aerdis, Colm Keogh lived most of his life with family within the hollows of trees until some asshole "adventurers" trampled them in the forest without noticing. Surviving his family at an old age, Colm decided to live out the remainder of his days seeing the light of day until he might pass away.


Colm Keogh

Level 6
Level Details
Character Level and Experience.
Experience Bonus: 2
Max HP 34
HP Overview
Your HP refers to your Health Points, which are a mixture of both your physical and mental wellness.
Pain Limit: 16
Death's Door: 3
Respite HP Recovery: 17
Excess HP: 0
Max HP Modifier: 0
Max SP 3
Stamina Points Details
Stamina and Endurance.
Breather SP Recovery: 1
Excess SP: 0
Max SP Modifier: 0
Max MP 4
Magic Points Details
Magic and Spellcasting.
Breather MP Recovery: 2
Excess MP: 0
Max MP Modifier: 0
Spellcasting Stat: 26
Spellcasting Stat Quotient: 2
Speed 21
Speed Details
Movement and Agility;
affects your turn order in combat and other scenarios.
Speed Modifier: 0

Dexterity 21
Dexterity Overview
Dexterity is your reflexiveness and precision.
Max: 30
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 2
Modifier: 0
Might 5
Might Overview
Might is your musculature and raw power.
Max: 30
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 0
Modifier: 0
Carry Limit: 50
Half Carry Limit: 25
Drag/Push/Lift 150
Vigor 10
Vigor Overview
Vigor is the strength of your body, especially your lungs and heart.
Max: 30
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 1
Modifier: 2

Acuity 23
Acuity Overview
Acuity is your perception, reason, and strength of will.
Max: 40
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 3
Modifier: 6
Cognition 26
Cognition Overview
Cognition is your intellect--your ability to retain and apply knowledge.
Max: 40
Res XP: Beginner
Res Bonus: 3
Modifier: 6
Wile 6
Wile Overview
Wile is the strength of your personality and sense of self.
Max: 40
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 0
Modifier: 2

Dexterity Resistance
Dexterity Resistance Notes

Might Resistance
Might Resistance Notes

Vigor Resistance
Vigor Resistance Notes

Acuity Resistance
Acuity Resistance Notes

Cognition Resistance
Cognition Resistance Notes

Wile Resistance
Wile Resistance Notes


Common Skills

Athletics Notes
Finesse Notes
Grace Notes
Intuition Notes
Notice Notes
Performance Notes
Power Notes
Search Notes
Speech Notes



Comes from the "Rover" Heritage.



Walk 4
Notes for Walk
Pace Walk Modifier: 0

Fly 0
Notes for Fly
Pace Fly Modifier: 0

Burrow 0
Notes for Burrow
Pace Burrow Modifier: 0

Climb 1
Notes for Climb
Pace Climb Modifier: 0

Swim 1
Notes for Swim
Pace Swim Modifier: 0

Notes for Mundane Trial
Your Mundane Trial applies in various circumstances where you must set a difficulty trial for an opposing entity without the aid of magic.
Highest Physical Stat Quotient: 2
Mundane Trial Modifier: 0
Notes for Arcane Trial
If you are able to cast spells, you have an Arcane Trial, which is the difficulty trial for entities opposed to your magic.
Highest Physical Stat Quotient: 2
Mundane Trial Modifier: 0
Notes for Unarmored Defense
Your Unarmored Defense is, more specifically, your ability to dodge attacks while not wearing armor (or use a shield to parry such blows. More nimble characters will have a higher Unarmored Defense than others, as this relies on your Dexterity.
Dexterity Quotient: 2
Worn Shield Rating:
Size: 0
Defense Unarmored Modifier: 0
Notes for Armored Defense
If you are wearing armor, you will rely on your Armored Defense, which is based on vigor rather than Dexterity like Unarmored Defense. Armored Defense assumes that you are being physically hit by an attack, but are not sustaining the damage because it can't break through your armor.
Vigor Quotient: 1
Worn Armor Rating:
Worn Armor Tier: Light
Worn Shield Rating:
Defense Armored Modifier: 0


Notes for Dagger
Notes for Fight
Apply (apply a toxin or other effect to an item)
Attack (attack with a weapon you are holding, or make some other attack roll)
Called Shot (exchange a number of enhancements for flaws to gain an effect on one attack or similar roll)
Evade (attacks against you until the start of your next turn are +1 Flawed)
Exchange (item interaction involving another creature, like giving a potion)
Grapple (attempt to grapple a creature no more than 1 Size larger; Athletics, Grace, or Power check)
Hide (Grace check against Passive Notice. Must be at least Partially Covered)
Hold (Hold one action and define a trigger for it. Wasted if the trigger does not occur by the start of your next turn. Held spells are expended regardless. Holding an attack only triggers a single attack).
Jump (jump a height or distance equal to Might Quotient, or double the distance by running for at least 2 Paces in a straight line)
Sprint (you move an additional time this turn)
Stabilize (make a Trial 15 Knowledge check to attempt to end the Dying state on a creature. Trial increases by 10 for each Death Test the creature has failed thus far).
Tool Usage (use a tool, within reason)
Withdraw (you do not trigger Advantage Attacks for the rest of your turn).BURIAL [GEO]: Sinkhole, Raise Earth   HANDS OF STONE [GEO]: Grasping Grasp, Sedimentary Seizure, Earthen Eruption   DISPEL [SPATIO]: Temporal Disenchant, Drain Arcana
Aim (gain +1 Enhancement on your next range attack, which must be made immediately after aiming).
Assist (give a creature +1 Enhancement on their next skill check using the skill you are using to assit them. You must at least be a Beginner with that skill to assist).
Interact (interact with an object like a door, chest, lever, etc. GM may rule in some cases that an interaction requires more than a Secondary Action).
Use (Use an item on yourself, like drinking a potion)
Arcane Dash: Spend 1 MP to add 10 paces to movement.
Advantage Attack (when a creature you can see within the reach of a weapon you're holding, or 1 Pace if unarmed, attempts to leave that reach, you may make one attack against the creature with the relevant weapon).
About Face (when you take damage originating from behind you, you may turn around to face the source of the damage)
DISPEL [SPATIO]: Cease Spell

The harrowing prospect of being entombed alive is a universal fear, encapsulating a multitude of terrors shared among sentient beings—claustrophobia, enveloping darkness, and profound isolation. It stands as a gruesome demise that strikes fear into the hearts of many. This dread is precisely why most mages exercise extreme caution in teaching the arcane art of Burial to their peers, dreading its potential malevolent applications. Typically, this spell finds its purpose in crafting ephemeral platforms or conducting solemn rituals for the interment of revered individuals. However, its ethical use hinges on the principle that the targets of this magic should have already departed from the realm of the living.
Icon Sinkhole
1 Primary Action
1 Round
No Focus
1 creature
Distance 5
Choose a creature you can see within range that is touching the ground and force it to make a Dexterity Resistance check as a sinkhole opens around its feet. On a failure, the creature's feet sink into the ground. Until the end of its next turn, the creature is Grappled.
1 The creature remains grappled until the end of your next turn, instead of the end of its next turn.
1 Increase the range of this spell by 5 Paces, to a maximum of 50 Paces.
2 You may target one additional creature with a single casting of this spell.
Icon Raise Earth (1)
1 Primary Action
1 Minute
1x 1-Pace Square
Distance 5
You point at a 1-Pace square of solid ground you can see within range. That point rises up, forming a 3-Pace tall pillar made of the same material that the chosen surface was made from. The space returns to normal when the spell ends.   The pillar blocks line of sight. It has an Unarmored Defense of 5 and 5 Hit Points. When the pillar is destroyed, the space returns to normal.
1 You may target one additional space to turn into a pillar.
1 Increase the height of the pillar by 1 Pace, to maximum of 10 Paces.
2 You can cast this spell as a Secondary Action instead of a Primary Action
3 This spell no longer requires Focus.
3 Increase the Unarmored Defense and Hit Points of a created pillar by 10 each.
Icon Consuming Sphere (5)
1 Primary Action
1 Minute
1x 5-Pace Cube
Distance 10
2d8 Strike
An enormous cube opens up in the ground, with the top of the cube centered on a point you can see within range. Regardless of what would ordinarily be present beneath that space, the area appears to be a cube of dark earth. Creatures who are standing in the affected space must make a Dexterity Resistance check or fall into the pit. If a creature succeeds, it moves safely to the nearest unoccupied space unaffected by the spell.   At the start of your turn, the pit contracts, and all creatures in the pit take 2d8 Strike Damage.   Any attempts to climb the pit walls are +1 Flawed, as the walls are magically unstable and without footholds. Spells (other than Rites) that would alter the pit (such as those that might change its shape or create pillars from the dirt at the bottom) fail unless they are, as the pit itself is magically created.   If a creature dies in the pit, the creature's body sinks below the earth at the bottom of the pit and is then deposited in the Umbra Domain.
1 Increase the size of the cube by 1 Pace, to a maximum of a 10-Pace Cube.
2 Increase the Strike Damage dealt by 1d8, to a maximum of 10d8 Strike Damage
Icon Burial Ground (5)
1 Primary Action
1 Minute
selenite worth 300g, which is consumed.
1x 2-Pace Sphere
Distance 10
None+10 Strike
None+10 Will
A 2-Pace radius sphere opens up in a space on the ground you can see within range. All creatures who are fully within the sphere (meaning their Size cannot make them larger than the sphere) must make a Dexterity Resistance check or be dragged into the ground. Once a creature is pulled into the ground in this way, the hole closes back up, appearing as it did before the spell was cast. If a creature succeeds on the resistance check, it safely moves to the nearest unoccupied space outside of the sphere.   When a creature affected by this spell begins its turn, it takes 10 Strike Damage and 10 Will Damage. Creatures that need to breathe begin to suffocate. A creature may attempt to break free of the burial by using a Primary Action to make a Power check against your Arcane Trial on its turn, freeing itself upon success.   Creatures buried by this spell are Blinded, Mute, Inhibited, Grappled, Deafened, and Vulnerable.
2 Increase the radius of the sphere by 1 Pace, to a maximum of a 10-Pace radius sphere.
2 Increase the range of this spell by 5 Paces.
3 Increase the Strike Damage dealt by this spell by 10, to a maximum of 100 Strike Damage
4 The Dexterity Resistance check against this spell is +1 Flawed.

A devastatingly disheartening spell to find yourself faced with, but an important one for the magical community, Dispel has the capacity to inhibit magical items, cancel the spells of others, and even strip spellcasters of their magical abilities. The Rite of Instilled Mundanity has long been a last-resort punishment administered to spellcasters deemed too ill-principled to bear the responsibility of magical power.
Icon Temporal Disenchant
1 Primary Action
1 Minute
Uncommon or lower rarity magical object.
You touch a magical object with a rarity of Uncommon or lower rarity. The object's magic is immediately suppressed for as long as this spell persists, though it cannot be destroyed as though it were a mundane object. A spell that identifies magic will not identify the original magic of the object, but will notice that there is a Spatiomancy spell actively affecting it.
2 Increase the maximum tier of object that can be targeted by this spell by 1 tier, to a maximum of Epic.
3 Increase the maximum Perpetuation of this spell by 1 Minute, to a maximum of 10 Minutes.
5 This spell no longer requires Focus.
Icon Cease Spell (1)
1 Reactive Action
No Focus
a creature
Distance 10
When a creature you can see within range casts a spell (but before the spell's effect has been determined, any Resistance checks rolled, etc), you may use a Reactive Action to attempt to prevent the spell's casting.   You must choose an amount of MP to expend (which includes the 1 MP expended to initiate this spell's casting). If the MP you expend is greater than the amount of MP that the target creature expended casting the spell, the initial spell fails. Any expended resources from both sides are still expended regardless of this spell's outcome.   This cannot be used to counter rites.
1 Increase the maximum range of this spell by 5 Paces, to a maximum of 40 Paces.
Icon Drain Arcana (1)
1 Primary Action
No Focus
Any Mental Stat
a creature
Distance 5
4d4 Will
Choose a creature you can see within range. That creature immediately takes 4d4 Will Damage and must make a resistance check using a mental resistance of their choice (Acuity, Cognition, or Wile). On a failure, roll 1d4. The creature loses that much MP.
1 Increase the amount of Will Damage dealt by 1d4, to a maximum of 10d4 Will Damage.
1 If you roll a 4 on the MP loss die, you may choose to have the target lose one Arcane Reserve instead of 4 MP.
1 On a failed resistance check, you receive the MP the creature loses.
2 On a failed resistance check, the target loses 1 additional MP.
Icon Instilled Mundanity (15)
1 Reactive Action
No Focus
tiger's eye worth 5,000g, wich is not consumed unless the rite fails.
Any Mental Stat
a creature
You touch a large tiger's eye crystal to the forehead of a creature and must maintain this contact for the entirety of the spell's casting. After every 10 minutes, the creature may make an Acuity, Cognition, or Wile Resistance check against your Arcane Trial (target's choice which stat is used). On a success, the tiger's eye crystal is destroyed, and the rite fails. If the rite is successful, the target creature's maximum and current MP are reduced to 1 and the creature can no longer benefit from any increases to its MP.   This effect lasts until the creature either comes back into contact with the tiger's eye crystal, the tiger's eye crystal is destroyed, or the magic of the tiger's eye crystal is dispelled by powerful magic.
5 The trial increases by 2 for resistance checks against this rite.
10 Resistance checks against this spell are +1 Flawed.
10 Decrease the casting time of this spell by 10 Minutes, to a minimum of 10 Minutes.

Hands of Stone
Hands of Stone presents a formidable challenge to master, demanding a profound comprehension from geomancers. However, once acquired, its potency becomes undeniable. This spell empowers a caster to summon mimicries of hands and fists emerging from the earth, seizing and crushing adversaries with relentless force.
Icon Grasping Ground
1 Primary Action
1 Minute
1 creature
Distance 10
You place your hand on the ground. Choose a creature you can see within range who is in direct contact with the same ground you are touching. A large hand, made of the same material as the ground, appears near the creature and grabs it. The target must succeed on a Might Resistance check. On a failure, it is Grappled by the hand for as long as the spell persists.   A creature affected by this spell can make a Power skill check contested by your Arcane Trial as a Primary Action on its turn to attempt to break free, ending the spell on itself upon a success.
1 Increase the range of this spell by 10 Paces, to a maximum of 100 Paces.
2 The initial Might Resistance check against this spell is +1 Flawed.
2 You may target one additional creature with a single casting of this spell.
3 Creatures Grappled by this spell take 1d8 Strike Damage at the start of each of their turns.
5 This spell no longer requires Focus.
Icon Sedimentary Seizure (2)
1 Primary Action
1 Minute
1x 2-Pace Cube
Distance 5
2d8 Strike
You place your hand on the ground and choose a space you can see within range that's in direct contact with the same ground you touched. A massive hand rises from the ground in that space, filling a 2-Pace Cube. The hand is made of the same material as the ground from which it rose.   When the spell is first cast, any creatures within the space where the hand rose must succeed on a Might Resistance check or become Grappled and Inhibited by the hand. A creature Grappled in this way may use a Primary Action on its turn to make a Power skill check against your Arcane Trial, ending the Grappled and Inhibited states upon a success.   As a Secondary Action, you may have the hand attempt to grab one creature within 1 Pace of it, or you may have the hand deal 2d8 Strike Damage to creatures currently Grappled by it. If you chose to have the hand grab a creature, that creature must succeed on a Might Resistance check to avoid being Grappled and Inhibited by the hand.
1 Increase the Strike Damage dealt by the hand when it crushes creatures it's holding by 1d8 Strike Damage, to a maximum of 10d8 Strike Damage.
2 Increase the size of the spell's area by 1 Pace, to a maximum of a 5-Pace Cube.
3 As a Minor Action on each of your turns, you may move the hand up to 5 Paces to another space you can see. Any creatures currently Grappled and Inhibited by the hand are moved along with it.
Icon Earthen Eruption (3)
1 Primary Action
No Focus
1x 5-Pace Cube
Distance 10
3d8 Strike
3d8 Lacerate
You drive your fist into the ground. Choose a point you can see within range that is in direct contact with the same ground you touched. The ground explodes upward from the spot you chose, filling a 5-Pace Cubewith jagged earthen shrapnel. All creatures within the spell's area must make a Dexterity Resistance Check. On failure, a creature takes 3d8 Strike Damage and 3d8 Lacerate Damage, or half as much on a success. On a failure, a creature is also pushed to the nearest unoccupied space, where it lands Deposed. On a success, a creature is not Deposed and can choose a space on the edge of the spell's area to move to. Such movement does not provoke Advantage Attacks.   The spell leaves nonmagical jagged earth in the spell's area. The element left behind is too brittle and loose to be climbed over or stood upon. It has 50 Hit Points; when its Hit Points are reduced to zero, it crumbles to dust and the space returns to normal.
1 Increase the dice tier of the Strike and Lacerate Damage by one (d10 and d12), to a maximum of d12.
2 Increase the range of the spell by 5 Paces, to a maximum of 25 Paces.
3 Increase the size of the spell's area by 1 Pace, to a maximum of a 10-Pace Cube.
Icon Field of Fists (4)
1 Primary Action
1 Minute
obsidian worth 300g, which is consumed.
3x 1-Pace Square
Distance 25
3d8 Strike
You touch both of your hands to the ground and maintain this contact for as long as the spell persists (should you remove your hands from the ground, your Focus will end immediately). At the start of each of your turns, you cause fists of obsidian to rise up from the ground in three 1-Pace squares of your choosing within range. Creatures in each of those spaces must succeed on a Dexterity Resistance check or take 3d8 Strike Damage and be knocked Prostrate. The fists retreat into the ground immediately after rising.
1 Increase the amount of damage each fist deals on a failed Dexterity Resistance check by 1d8, to a maximum of 10d8 Strike Damage.
1 Increase the range of this spell by 5 Paces, to a maximum of 100 Paces.
1 Increase the size of each square by 1-Pace, to a maximum of three 10-Pace Squares
1 For an additional 100g of obsidian, you may create an additional fist each time you activate this spell's ability.
Pitifully Cute (Once per combat, as a secondary action and until the start of your next turn, +1 Flawed to attacks against you by enemies that can see you; +1 Enhanced to attacks against these enemies)
Arcane Caster: [Beginner] -- Spell: Dispel (Spatiomancy) Arcane Dash: [Beginner] Geomancer: [Adept]
Description: Mastered Skill: Knowledge (Geography)   Stat Bonuses: +4 Acuity, +2 [Vigor]   You are an aimless wanderer, and always have been. You have a knack for finding food and a bed despite your often meager earnings from this life. Sometimes you might pick up an odd job here and there, but for the most part, your life has simply been one of wandering from one place to the next, taking the longest path you can to see the sights.
Loss of a Loved One
Description: Colm lost his entire family, losing the opportunity to see the sights with them. He now seeks to find adventure where they couldn't.
Benefit: Benefit: No Tears Left. Increase your experience with Acuity or Wile Resistance (your choice)
Drawback: None


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Not frail, but clearly old.

Body Features

Wrinkles run up his stalk body.

Identifying Characteristics

His brown cap droops down over his eyes, with dampened edges.

Colm Keogh is a Toadstool Moet chasing adventure for the remainder of his days after surviving his family at an old age.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
268 A.R.
Dark blue
Brown cap
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

The Journal Entry’s title

Listen here, sonny. We're gonna


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