House Haglund Organization in Aen | World Anvil

House Haglund (HOUSE HAGG-LUHND)


House Haglund is a rossian family renowned for its wealth and economic fortitude. The house is focused strongly on the import and export of precious gems, their jewel trade proving invaluable to the Principality of Rossade and even the Kingdom of Fainarr. House Haglund's financial strength and knowledge is what led to it being recommended as Rossade's representative in the Federation of Miliim by the King of Fainarr himself, who wished to have at least one economic voice in the new federation.  

In Miliim

The King of Fainarr allowed the principalities of Buern and Rossade to make their own choices for national representation in the Federation of Miliim, but made a strong recommendation that Rossade choose a member of House Haglund as the representative of the nation, desiring their economic knowledge (and trade capabilities) to support the other principalities in the newly founded federation. Without resistance, the nation chose elect Roland Haglund as their representative, as he had been actively conducting trade since he was quite young. Roland proved invaluable to Rossade and Fainarr, as he carefully manipulated local economics in Miliim to benefit his house and home nation. His children have continued his efforts, passing legislation within Miliim that have bolstered Rossade's economy--specifically the gem trade.

All kings wear crowns adorned with our gems.

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