House Sonder Organization in Aen | World Anvil

House Sonder (HOUSE SAWN-DERR)


House Sonder is a Buernish family descended from a long line of megafolk hibridia with leonine features. When Fainarr conquered Buern in 1 PR, there were concerns that House Sonder would be uprooted due to their non-human heritage, but such was not the case. Since then, the family has remained strong and has proven a valuable asset to its nation, serving as a mediator even as Buern became a principality under Fainarr. So loved and trusted is House Sonder that when the Federation of Miliim was founded, a member of their family, Elliot Sonder IV was elected as the representative of Buern within the federation.  

In Miliim

Elliot Sonder IV was elected as the Buernish Representative in the Federation of Miliim in the year 252, following Leonov's War. Elliot and his descendants would serve as Duke of Ukwam from then on, with power being passed down to his children. While Buern technically has the power to unseat the elected representative and place a new one of their choosing, there has been no need for this thus far. As was customary for all elected representatives, a new banner was fashioned for the branch of the family serving in Miliim. It, as is the case with all other banners for the Federation of Miliim's representatives, features the original design with an orange half.

Strength in loyalty unwavering.

Political, Family
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Species
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