Carter Finwick

(a.k.a. Pop)

Character Sheet

Carter Finwick

Level 6
Level Details
Character Level and Experience.
Experience Bonus: 2
Max HP 64
HP Overview
Your HP refers to your Health Points, which are a mixture of both your physical and mental wellness.
Pain Limit: 22
Death's Door: 3
Respite HP Recovery: 32
Excess HP: 0
Max HP Modifier: 0
Max SP 5
Stamina Points Details
Stamina and Endurance.
Breather SP Recovery: 2
Excess SP: 0
Max SP Modifier: 2
Max MP 5
Magic Points Details
Magic and Spellcasting.
Breather MP Recovery: 2
Excess MP: 0
Max MP Modifier: 0
Spellcasting Stat: 30
Spellcasting Stat Quotient: 3
Speed 5
Speed Details
Movement and Agility;
affects your turn order in combat and other scenarios.
Speed Modifier: 0

Dexterity 5
Dexterity Overview
Dexterity is your reflexiveness and precision.
Max: 30
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 0
Modifier: 0
Might 13
Might Overview
Might is your musculature and raw power.
Max: 30
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 1
Modifier: 2
Carry Limit: 130
Half Carry Limit: 65
Drag/Push/Lift 390
Vigor 16
Vigor Overview
Vigor is the strength of your body, especially your lungs and heart.
Max: 30
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 1
Modifier: 4

Acuity 12
Acuity Overview
Acuity is your perception, reason, and strength of will.
Max: 40
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 1
Modifier: 2
Cognition 12
Cognition Overview
Cognition is your intellect--your ability to retain and apply knowledge.
Max: 40
Res XP: None
Res Bonus: 1
Modifier: 2
Wile 30
Wile Overview
Wile is the strength of your personality and sense of self.
Max: 40
Res XP: Beginner
Res Bonus: 5
Modifier: 6

Dexterity Resistance
Dexterity Resistance Notes

Might Resistance
Might Resistance Notes

Vigor Resistance
Vigor Resistance Notes

Acuity Resistance
Acuity Resistance Notes

Cognition Resistance
Cognition Resistance Notes

Wile Resistance
Wile Resistance Notes


Common Skills

Athletics Notes
Finesse Notes
Grace Notes
Intuition Notes
Notice Notes
Performance Notes
Power Notes
Search Notes
Speech Notes





Walk 8
Notes for Walk
Pace Walk Modifier: 0

Fly 0
Notes for Fly
Pace Fly Modifier: 0

Burrow 0
Notes for Burrow
Pace Burrow Modifier: 0

Climb 1
Notes for Climb
Pace Climb Modifier: 0

Swim 1
Notes for Swim
Pace Swim Modifier: 0

Notes for Mundane Trial
Your Mundane Trial applies in various circumstances where you must set a difficulty trial for an opposing entity without the aid of magic.
Highest Physical Stat Quotient: 1
Mundane Trial Modifier: 0
Notes for Arcane Trial
If you are able to cast spells, you have an Arcane Trial, which is the difficulty trial for entities opposed to your magic.
Highest Physical Stat Quotient: 1
Mundane Trial Modifier: 0
Notes for Unarmored Defense
Your Unarmored Defense is, more specifically, your ability to dodge attacks while not wearing armor (or use a shield to parry such blows. More nimble characters will have a higher Unarmored Defense than others, as this relies on your Dexterity.
Dexterity Quotient: 0
Worn Shield Rating:
Size: 3
Defense Unarmored Modifier: 0
Notes for Armored Defense
If you are wearing armor, you will rely on your Armored Defense, which is based on vigor rather than Dexterity like Unarmored Defense. Armored Defense assumes that you are being physically hit by an attack, but are not sustaining the damage because it can't break through your armor.
Vigor Quotient: 1
Worn Armor Rating: 12
Worn Armor Tier: Light
Worn Shield Rating:
Defense Armored Modifier: 0


Colossal Swords
Notes for Colossal Swords
3d4, Great Extend Two-Handed
Light Crossbow
Notes for Light Crossbow
1d12, Basic Draw/Load: Secondary 30/100, One-Handed
Notes for Fight
Apply (apply a toxin or other effect to an item)
Attack (attack with a weapon you are holding, or make some other attack roll)
Called Shot (exchange a number of enhancements for flaws to gain an effect on one attack or similar roll)
Evade (attacks against you until the start of your next turn are +1 Flawed)
Exchange (item interaction involving another creature, like giving a potion)
Grapple (attempt to grapple a creature no more than 1 Size larger; Athletics, Grace, or Power check)
Hide (Grace check against Passive Notice. Must be at least Partially Covered)
Hold (Hold one action and define a trigger for it. Wasted if the trigger does not occur by the start of your next turn. Held spells are expended regardless. Holding an attack only triggers a single attack).
Jump (jump a height or distance equal to Might Quotient, or double the distance by running for at least 2 Paces in a straight line)
Sprint (you move an additional time this turn)
Stabilize (make a Trial 15 Knowledge check to attempt to end the Dying state on a creature. Trial increases by 10 for each Death Test the creature has failed thus far).
Tool Usage (use a tool, within reason)
Withdraw (you do not trigger Advantage Attacks for the rest of your turn).

Pulpmaker. Make one attack with my Pulpmaker (colossal sword). Regardless of hit, may draw back the weapon to automatically deal 3 damage for 1 SP.

Light Crossbow. Make one attack with my Light Crossbow.

Draw Colossal Sword

Aim (gain +1 Enhancement on your next range attack, which must be made immediately after aiming).
Assist (give a creature +1 Enhancement on their next skill check using the skill you are using to assit them. You must at least be a Beginner with that skill to assist).
Interact (interact with an object like a door, chest, lever, etc. GM may rule in some cases that an interaction requires more than a Secondary Action).
Use (Use an item on yourself, like drinking a potion)

Draw/Load Crossbow

Advantage Attack (when a creature you can see within the reach of a weapon you're holding, or 1 Pace if unarmed, attempts to leave that reach, you may make one attack against the creature with the relevant weapon).
About Face (when you take damage originating from behind you, you may turn around to face the source of the damage)

(1 SP) Insipirational. When an ally makes a check within 10 Paces, I may give it +1 Enhancement, provided it can hear me.

Cosmic Guidance. Page 598


Cosmic Guidance
For those who eschew divine intervention, avenues for otherworldly wisdom are sought through various means. Among these, Tasseomancy is commonly favored for its perceived reliability in divination. Conversely, a select few turn their gaze skyward, delving into the realm of astromancy. While many astromancers wield celestial power as a devastating force in battle, a rare few harness the stars to illuminate paths forward and amplify their own capabilities. Cosmic Guidance emerges from this specialized study, offering insights and enhancements gleaned from the boundless expanse of the cosmos.
Icon Cosmic Encouragement
1 Minute
8 Hours
No Focus
mud made from water and stardust worth 25g, which is consumed.
1 creature
You take a pinch of mud created from a combination of water and stardust in your fingers and use it to draw a rune on the forehead of a willing creature. After spending 1 minute tracing the rune in the astral mud, the rune begins to give off a very faint glow. The effects of the rune persist for 8 hours. A creature may only benefit from a single rune of Cosmic Encouragement at a time—if an additional rune of Cosmic Encouragement is given to the creature, the previous rune fades.   When you first create the rune, choose Skill Checks, Attack Rolls, or Resistance Checks. Checks the target of the spell makes of the chosen type are +1 Enhanced for the perpetuation of the spell.
1 You may trace the rune on one additional creature (spending an additional minute doing so) for another 5g of stardust. You may choose a different kind of check (from Skill Checks, Attack Rolls, or Resistance Checks) than you chose for any other creature affected by this.
Icon Cosmic Favor (3)
1 Minute
1 Hour
No Focus
a creature
You touch a creature and impart it with the favor of the heavens. This effect lasts for one hour or until the favored creature dismisses it. Any time the creature rolls a d20 while it has this favor, it can choose to dismiss the favor to turn the number on the d20 into a 20. It may choose to do this after seeing the number on the die, but not before knowing the result of the roll. Doing this can cause effects that otherwise result from natural 20s, like Critical Hits and automatic Resistance success.   A creature may be under the effect of no more than one Cosmic Favor at a time. Adding a second Cosmic Favor to a creature dismisses the first one.
1 Increase the Perpetuation of the Cosmic Favor by 1 Hour.
Icon Cosmic Enrichment (3)
1 Reactive Action
No Focus
1x 5-Pace Sphere
When you see an enemy cast a spell that targets multiple creatures and requires a Resistance check, you unleash cosmic power in a 5-Pace radius sphere centered on you. All creatures of your choice within the sphere centered on you receive +1 Enhancement to their Resistance Check against the spell and gain Excess HP equal to your Spellcasting Stat Quotient.
1 Increase the Excess HP provided by this spell by 1.
2 Instead of targeting yourself, this spell can be centered on a point you can see within 10 Paces.
Icon Cosmic Empowerment (6)
1 Minute
1 Hour
No Focus
mud made from water and stardust worth 100g, which is consumed.
a creature
Using mud made from stardust, you paint constellations on the body of a creature. The constellations give off a fain glow. For the next 24 hours, every check the creature makes except for Death Tests are +1 Enhanced. A creature may only benefit from this rite once per Furlough.
2 The creature's Death Tests are also Enhanced by the spell.
5 The Enhancement bonus increases to +2.
10 The perpetuation increases to 10 Days.

Fast Talk. Page 610


Fast Talk
Have you ever spoken impulsively, instantly regretting your words and yearning to retract them? Ever longed for the ability to effortlessly talk your way out of any situation, regardless of your natural charm? Do you wish your speeches elicited more than just tepid applause? If so, then Fast Talk is the enchantment for you! Crafted by spellcasters more accustomed to perusing tomes than charming their peers, Fast Talk magically transforms you into a captivating and suave conversationalist. Legend has it that Kaegn, taking pity on the social outcasts, lent a helping hand in the creation of this spell, granting them the means to forge connections and win over hearts.
Icon Censor
1 Reactive Action
No Focus
1 creature
Distance 1
Choose a creature you are speaking to within 1 Pace of you. With a small motion of your hands, you use a Reactive Action at the cost of 1 SP to cause that creature to forget something you said to it in the last 10 seconds; the creature then believes itself to have heard you say something else (which is the Voice integrate of this spell), and forgets any response that it gave to the original words you spoke to it. Other creatures around you recall both things that you said, as well as any response the creature gave to your initial words.   For example, you might ask a creature if they know a criminal, get their reaction, then use this spell to cause them to forget both your question and their response. As part of the casting,m you remark on the current weather, and to the creature's perception, that's all you said.   After you have successfully cast this spell on a creature, any subsequent casts of Censor on that creature from you have a 50% chance to fail for the next 24 hours (roll 1d100, and the spell fails on a 50 or lower). This fail percentage increases by 10% with each additional successful casting of the spell on the creature, until it reaches 100%. Recasting the spell resets the 24-hour timer.
1 You may affect one additional creature within range with a single casting of Censor. All affected creatures have the same warped perception of reality resulting from the spell.
1 Increase the length of the conversation you can unwrite by 10 seconds, to a maximum of 1 Minute.
1 Increase the range of the spell by 2.
5 You force the affected creature(s) to make an Acuity Resistance check. On a failure, all affected creatures completely forget everything you have said and that they have said to you within the last hour, instead believing that the conversation has taken whatever form you will it to be, which you describe as the Voice integrant for this spell.
Icon Silver Tongue (2)
1 Minute
10 Minutes
No Focus
silver worth 1g, which is consumed.
a creature
You place a silver coin on the tongue of a creature. The coin immediately melts, coating the tongue and dying it silver. For as long as the spell persists, the creature is considered a Master of the Speech skill. Additionally, any Speech skill checks the creature makes are +1 Enhanced, and any Resistance checks against spells the creature casts with a Voice integrant are +1 Flawed.
3 Speech skill checks the affected creature makes receive an additional +1 Enhnacement, and flaws on Resistance Checks against spells cast by the affected creature using a Voice Integrant receive an additional +1 Flaw.
5 The Perpetuation of this spell becomes 1 Hour.
Icon Emboldening Words (3)
1 Round
1 Hourrt
No Focus
A serpent's tongue dipped in silver worth 50g, which is consumed.
1x 20-Pace Sphere
You speak a few words that embolden the creatures around you. Each creature of your choice within a 20-Pace radius sphere centered on you who can hear you receive Excess Hit Points equal to your Experience Bonus.   While a creature has Excess Hit Points granted by this spell, its Acuity and Wile Resistance checks are +1 Enhanced, and its first attack roll each turn is +1 Enhanced.
1 Increase the casting time by 1 Round. Creatures gain a number of Excess HP from this spell equal to your Experience Bonus multiplied by the number of rounds you spent casting this spell.
Icon Sphere of Honest Council (4)
1 Minute
10 Minutes
No Focus
jasper worth 100g, which is consumed.
x 5-Pace Sphere
You create a sphere that guards against lies and deceit, centered on a point you touch. The jasper used for the spell's casting turns to dust, which floats around the rim of the sphere for as long as it persists. Creatures within the sphere are unable to knowingly tell lies, but they are not compelled to speak or answer questions by this spell.   All creatures in the sphere know they are being compelled to tell the truth and can see the jasper dust that creates the sphere. Creatures may answer cryptically or evasively in light of their knowledge of the compulsion, so long as nothing they say is something they hold to be false.
1 Increase the maximum perpetuation of the rite by 1 Hour.
2 Increase the radius of the sphere by 5 Paces.
30 You may change the casting time of the rite to 24 Hours. Doing this increases the cost of the jasper for creating the sphere to 10,000g. After the rite has been cast in this way, the sphere created becomes Permanent.

Shooting Stars. Page 544. Only with Star Chart


Shooting Stars
Shooting Stars stands as a formidable astromancy spell, wielding devastating power as it summons precise celestial bodies to obliterate targets. These homing stars are radiant missiles of lethal energy, honing in on their marks with deadly accuracy. The conjuration of such astral might offers versatility in its application, manifesting in diverse forms to suit the caster's needs.
Icon Starlight
1 Primary Action
No Focus
a creature
Distance 10
1d4 Holy
You point at a creature you can see within range. A single small orb of radiant energy shoots from your fingertip toward the creature, dealing 1d4 Holy Damage to it.
1 Increase the range of this spell by 5 Paces.
2 Increase the Holy Damage by 1d4.
Icon Falling Stars (1)
1 Primary Action
No Focus
1x 5-Pace Circle
Distance 10
None Holy
You raise your hands into the air and call down a volley of stars into a 5-Pace radius circle centered on a point you can see within range. All creatures in the affected area must succeed on a Dexterity REsistance check or suffer an amount of Holy Damage equal to your Spellcasting Stat Quotient.
1 Creatures that fail the Dexterity Resistance check take half damage (rounded down).
2 Increase the Holy Damage Dealt by 1d4.
2 Increase the radius of the circle by 2 Paces.
Icon Crown of Stars (3)
1 Primary Action
1 Hour
No Focus
a pinch of stardust worth 10g, which is consumed.
a creature
Distance 10
1d12 Holy
You throw a pinch of stardust into the air above your head and recite the spell's incantation, turning the stardust into a multitude of star-shaped balls of light. Each star gives off 5 Paces of bright light and 10 Paces of dim light beyond that.   After casting the spell, you have 4 of these stars. As a Secondary Action, you may point at a creature you can see within 10 Paces of you. This sends one of the stars after the creature. It hits automatically, dealing 1d12 Holy Damage.   The spell persists for 1 Hour, until you have used every star, until you cast this spell again, or until you fall Unconscious. If you are rendered Unconscious while you still have stars, every remaining star immediately fires toward the nearest enemy in range and deals its damage to it. If there are no enemies in range, the stars instead shoot toward the heavens and harmlessly disappear.
2 Increase the number of stars conjured by 2, to a maximum of 10. This requires an additional 5g of stardust.
Icon Heavens Fall (10)
1 Primary Action
No Focus
meteorite worth 1,000g, which is consumed.
1x 10-Pace Circle
Distance 50
0d12 Holy
1d12 Holy
You must be in the open air, with nothing above you but the heavens, to cast this spell. You place a chunk of valuable meteorite against your forehead and recite the spell's incantation. For the duration of the spell's casting, the meteorite ascends to the sky above, vanishing from your view and the atmosphere. When the casting time ends, a shower of stars assaults a 10-Pace radius circle in a space you can see within 50 Paces of you.   All creatures in the circle must succeed on a Dexterity Resistance check. On a failure, a creature suffers xd12 Holy Damage (where x is your Spellcasting Stat Quotient). On a successful check, a creature takes half damage.   The power of the falling star leaves craters in the earth. The entire affected area becomes Rugged Terrain. Additionally, for the next hour after the casting, the space radiates astral energy. The area gives off 1 Pace of Dim Light during this time. Any creature that moves through the area while it is radiating in this way takes 1 Point of Holy Damage for each Pace moved. Additionally, a creature takes 1d12 Holy Damage when it starts its turn in the affected area.
2 Decrease the casting time by 5 Minutes, to a minimum of 1 Primary Action.
5 Increase the radius of the affected area by 2 Paces.
5 Increase the perpetuation of the astral energy radiation effect by 1 Hour.

Solarity. Page 846. Only with Star Chart


Solarity stands as a vital spell for divine casters, manifesting as a radiant beam of holy energy that seeks out a single adversary, engulfing it in a luminous glow of divine power. Drawing upon the celestial realms, this spell, when wielded by a potent caster, not only inflicts searing damage upon the target but also illuminates a path for allies to vanquish the foe should it endure the initial onslaught of holy energy.
Icon Solar Spear
1 Primary Action
No Focus
a creature
Distance 10
1d4 Holy
You point at a creature you can see, or you point at a space you believe it to be in if you cannot see the creature. Make a ranged magic attack against it. If the attack hits, a powerful bolt of holy sunlight strikes it, dealing 1d4 Holy Damage. Additionally, a creature that is hit by this damage briefly glows, even if it is invisible or becomes invisible. The glow gives off 1 Pace of dim light and ends at the start of your next turn. Attacks against the creature while it is glowing in this way are +1 Enhanced.
1 Increase the range of Solar Spear by 5 Paces.
3 You do not suffer flaws to the spell attack roll as a result of the creature being invisible.
3 Your Solar Spear ignores Cover (Partial).
Icon Solar Bolt (2)
1 Primary Action
No Focus
a creature
Distance 5
3d6 Holy
You point at a creature you can see and make a ranged magic attack against it, shouting a divine incantation as you do so. If the attack hits, the creature takes 3d6 Holy Damage, which is considered sunlight. Additionally, a creature damaged by this attack must succeed on a Vigor Resistance check. On a failure, the holy glow of the solar bolt blinds the creature. It is Blinded for 1 Minute, or until it ends the effect on itself by succeeding on a Vigor Resistance Check that it may make at the end of each of its turns.
1 Increase the damage dealt by 1d6.
2 The first Resistance Check that the creature makes against being Blinded is +1 Flawed.
2 The target must make the Vigor Resistance Check against being Blinded even if the attack does not hit.
2 If the attack hits, creatures who can see the target are within 2 Paces of it must also make a Resistance check against being Blinded. Creatures Blinded in this way are only Blinded until the end of their next turn.
Icon Solar Ray (4)
1 Primary Action
1 Minute
1x 1x10-Pace Line
5d8 Holy
You hold out your hand before you and declare a holy incantation, unleashing a perpetual beam of holy, sunlit energy. This spell can linger for as long as you maintain Focus on it and keep your hand extended (up to the maximum Perpetuation of this spell). When you first cast the spell and then again at the beginning of each of your turns while the spell is active, each creature standing in the line created by the spell must make a Vigor Resistance Check, taking 5d8 Holy Damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. If a creature fails, it is Blinded until the end of its next turn.   The beam moves and rotates with your hand.
1 Increase the length of the line by 1 Pace
3 Increase the width of the line to 3 Paces instead of 1.
3 Increase the damage of the beam to 10d8.
Icon Long Dawn (10)
1 Primary Action
No Focus
a pearl worth 1,000g, which is consumed.
1x 5-Pace Sphere
5d10 Fire
5d10 Holy
By placing a pearl on the ground and kneeling before it to utter an incantation for one hour, you slowly begin to transform the pearl into a minor sun. Over the course of the hour-long ritual, the pearl gradually begins to float into the air until it is hovering 15 Paces above the ground. At the end of the ritual, the pearl transforms into a spall sun, occupying a 5-Pace sphere that is 10 Paces above the ground. The sun provides Bright Light for 100 Paces and Dim Light for a further 200 Paces. The light cannot pass through solid objects and can wrap around corners. The light is considered sunlight.   Once on each of your turns while you are within the Bright Light of the minor sun, you can cause the sun to flare as a Primary Action by expending 1 MP. When the sun flares, all creatures within the Bright Light except for you must succeed on a Vigor Resistance check, taking 5d10 Fire Damage and 5d10 Holy Damage on a failure, or only taking the Fire Damage on a success. Any Assembly-type creature caught in the flare who fails the Resistance check is Shocked until the end of their next turn.   The sun remains for up to 24 Hours or until you lose Focus on it. When the spell ends, the sun releases one last flare and vanishes, leaving nothing behind.
1 During the rite's initial casting, you may designate 1 creature of your choice to be immune to the effects of the sun's flare.

Rage (Beginner). Increase your Might or Vigor by 3 (Might)

Orc's Endurance. (Beginner) Increase your maximum Stamina by 2.

Colossal Drawback (Colossal Sword, Beginner). When I attack with a colossal sword, I may spend 1 SP to deal 3 Damage to the target regardless of whether I hit or missed, as long as it is still within reach.

Eloquent Voice (Beginner). After casting a spell with a Voice integrant, I may force a creature within 5 Pces who can hear me to make a Wile Resistance check or be Charmed by me until the end of its next turn. A creature Charmed in this cannot make attacks against me and has +1 Flaw to all attack rolls against my allies. The state ends early if it takes damage.

Astrologer (Beginner). Can create star chart over 5 days. It is used to track the stars, channel spells, and determine the exact date and time. While hold it, it can be used to cast Divine Bolt and Shooting Stars as LowSpells/HighSpells, or it can be destroyed to cast one as a GreatSpell (without an Arcane Reserve).

Energizing Song. Every time you cast a HighSpell or GreatSpell, you may also restore one SP or MP to an ally of your choice within 10 Paces who can see and/or hear you cast the spell.


Over-Energized Every time a Respite or Furlough, gain Excess MP/SP (your choice) equal to your Wile Quotient. Doesn't stack with other sources.

  Inspirational (Beginner). As a Reactive Action at the cost of 1 SP, give a creature +1 Enhancement within 10 Paces when it makes a check, provided the creature can hear you.  

Inspiring Aura (Beginner). After giving an ally +1 Enhancement, you can also give another ally within 10 Paces of you +! Enhancement as well. This new Enhancement can't trigger this ability again, and it must be spent on the next check the ally makes within 1 Minute.


Inspiring Warrior (Beginner).When a creature hits with an attack roll that had an Enhancement you provided, the creature may also roll that Enhancement for the damage roll.

Description: Worked as a mercenary for the Red Hornet Brigade.
First Kill
Description: I slew the man who murdered my son using a large rock, which has since been turned into a weapon.
Benefit: Increase your experience with [Colossal Swords].
Broken Hearted
Description: I trusted someone who didn't deserve it, over-romanticizing our relationship and seeing affection where there was none. I won't let that happen again. Improved experience with [Intuition].


Big, muscular, fatherly man who has helped train numerous newcomers to the brigade by accompanying them on missions and serving as muscle more than mind to ensure that they all get home safely. Friendly ol' half-orc brute.

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