Ulysses 'Monte' Beaumont (YOO-LISS-EEZ BOH-MAWNT)

Marsal Ulysses Beaumont (a.k.a. Monte)

A member of the Beaumont Family in Buern who has directly served House Sonder for much of his life. Ulysses was a child when Elliot Sonder IV first left Buern to assume the role of Duke of Ukwam, and a few members of his family left then to join the ranks of the duchy's military. Through a series of promotions, Ulysses himself eventually reached Ukwam, but not as a mere soldier—he was promoted to Marsal, allowing him to oversee the entirety of Ukwam's military force. He has served there since the year 284, having previously led the forces of Landyn Sonder I, while the forces of Landyn Sonder II have been his to command since the year 288.



Father's Death in Leonov's War

Ulysses Beaumont was born to Emily Beaumont in Sidara's Edge, being the youngest of several siblings. Ulysses knew his father, but only briefly, as Ulysses was slain while fighting in Leonov's War, brought down by a Miliir general. This only further inspired that pre-existing passion for war that was prevalent in the Beaumont blood, and Ulysses would later become one of the greatest military leaders the family had ever had.

Dedication to House Sonder in Youth

The Beaumont family has faithfully served House Sonder for many generations, residing in Sidara’s Edge for quite some time. They remained there even after the appointment of House Sonder to be representatives of Miliim. Ulysses was a child when Elliot Sonder IV, a cousin to the then-Duke of Sidara’s Edge, first traveled to Miliim to assume his new role in a bittersweet departure. Ulysses went on to serve House Sonder as a soldier for many years, eventually assuming the role of tegmen.


Aggression at the Branch

In the year 278, Ulysses was serving on board a diplomatic vessel, King's Knife, that was escorting a Rossian diplomat from House Nadka back to Rossade. During this journey, the ship was assailed by what they presumed to be pirates near Lover's Branch, but the buernish forces quickly realized they were Aerdan assassins, likely sent to kill the diplomat. Ulysses’s commanding officer was slain in the fray and Ulysses abruptly took charge, assuming a temporary role of Serasker. He killed the assassins and oversaw the safe return of the nobleman back home to Rossade without further incident. He safely led the surviving buernish soldiers back down the channel on smaller vessels after the diplomat was returned to his home.

Assignment to Ukwam

Ulysses was promoted to serasker shortly after his valor was proven during the naval battle. He would not hold this title for long, however, for his excellent service to House Sonder—and to Fainarr in a broader sense—had caught the eye of the Duke of Sidara’s Edge, who recommended him to his cousin Landyn Sonder I in the year 284, following the retirement of the former Marsal there. Ulysses was promoted to Marsal and transferred to Ukwam that year, where he has faithfully served.

Service to Landyn I & II

Ulysses took time to get to know Landyn I and his son—particularly the latter, knowing that he would be serving Landyn II far longer than the ailing Landyn I. He also got to know the children of Landyn II, with Eoghan being only a toddler at the time and Artyom being born a year after Ulysses was transferred. Ulysses took over the role of Marsal with ease and has faithfully served both Landyn I and—since the year 288—Landyn II for many years now. He has also played a notable role in raising their children, being there to assist with training and lectures where requested. Everything from horsemanship to swordplay was taught by Ulysses, while the other elements of the education—particularly bookishness—were handled by others in the castle.


The Rooks of Elzveir

Wedding of Artyom Sonder

Ulysses was tasked with ensuring the safe travel of House Sonder through Ukwam as they journeyed to Makaliim City, the capital of Ukwam, for the wedding of the marquess Artyom Sonder.
Date of Birth
Tek 2nd, 247
Year of Birth
247 AR 55 Years old

Character Portrait image: by Vittoria


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