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Deephand Keep

Half immense fortress and half bustling city, Deephand Keep stands as a beacon separating the savage Llanos Veld from the Midlath. The western wall is heavily fortified and scared from centuries of battle and makes up one of the walls of a large keep with several round towers. To the east of the keep lies the walled city in the shadow of the large fortress its many slanted roofs tightly packed as if huddling close to the keep for protection.  The keeps defensive walls, towers, and armaments presents a formidable defensive point, preventing nearly all agressions of the Orc tribes from progressing, en masse, into the Midlath. A large ceremonial bell tower is used to alert townsfolk and guards alike anytime an Orc war party ventures close enough to pose a threat.    Deephand Keep is one of the four Royal seats of Aenax.


Military structure, officers are nobel Humans. Many half-Orc bastard children get sent here to serve in the military.


The Lord of Midlath commands the Midlath Riders from the Keep, he holds  his council and keeps his court within the mighty walls of the keep.

Guilds and Factions

The Horse Masters guild


Originally a wooden stocaded camp the fort has been constantly repaired and upgraded in the 1000 years since it was erected to defend the Midlath from the Orc tribes.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank

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