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Origin lands of the Humans.


Ventosh is the largest land area in the continent's northern half, it spans the entirity of the eastern caost and peninsula up to the slopes of the Ketyat Mountains. A central mountain range known as the Frost Claw Mountains splits the upper region down the middle, the glaciers of which cause many forest surrounded rivers to cut through the landscape and creates fertle ground the further south one goes. On it's western and southern sides, from north to south, it boarders the Frost Plains, Avil, the Whispering Desert, and Miadel.



  • Srayloth Forest
  • Tovkon Forest
  • Itoma Forest
  • Crovass Forest

Mountain & Land Formations

  • Frost Claw Mountains
  • Ketyat Mountains

Lakes & Waters

  • Ice Cap Lake
  • Silver Lake
  • Thyre Lake
  • Frigid Sea
  • Churning Bay
  • Eternal Ocean


  • Deep Cleft River
  • Goeth River
  • Long Bow River
  • Set River
  • Icerun River
  • Matwin River
  • Tur River
  • River Ida


  • Ventosh Map
Location under
Included Locations
Related Ethnicities


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