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Creation of the World


Thousands upon thousands of years ago the world was created by three deities, Solter, Onkset, and Ruidishien. It is said they gathered the dust and debris of the cosmos and created a planet with three moons, one for each god to dweel on. The planet was vast, with lands and waters that spanned the entire sphere, and the gods sowed seeds of life that allowed plants and animals to morpha nd spring forth from the primordial ooze. While the world developed the three gods retreated to the lunar realms and began working on thier respective masterpieces of creation.   When the gods reconverged they presented each other with what were to be the world's dominant entities. Solter gave life to the Elves, a tall elegant species that he gave to the wooded realms of the world. Onkset presented the Dwarves, a stocky, hardy species that took to the various moutainous regions of the continents. And Ruidishien gave to the world Humans, a strong and driven species that seeded the planet's grasslands. Together the gods guided thier respective species to harmony and peaceful coexistence. They taught them technology and science, helped build a prosperous utopia for all races.   It was during this time that a fourth moon appeared in the sky, the new red orb heralded the arrival of Neuatsatneu, a god of chaos and discord. He brought with him his own legion of species, monsterous creatures that were seeded across the planet to torment and bring pain to the races. To strengthen his wretched creatures he imbued the world with magic of a chaotic nature that the other gods couldn't control by themsleves. He also sewed discontent among the races and brought out thier worst charateristics; he brought xenophobia and warfare, greed and hunger for power. The three gods of creation taught the races to control magic, and worked to qwell the harm caused by the monsters. But despite their best efforts the world grew darker and more corrupt.   With no other options to maintain their utopia the gods went to war with Neuatsatneu.

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