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Elves were created by the god Solter and are one of three fully sentient species on the world's singular continent of Aenia. Though well armed with strong militaries, they are the most peaceable of the sentient species, choosing war and violence only when all other options have been exhausted, and then only fighting to subdue their enemy, never eradicate them. They see all the species of the continent as important, each being the last representative of a world that was all but destroyed.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves are naturally telepathic, allowing them to read the minds of others and interject thoughts of their own as a form of communication. Because of this Elves are more developed, especially those born under a full green moon, to be able to use Mind Control on others.

Civilization and Culture


After the Forging of the Continent elves found themselves alone, cut off from Solter, with no records or technology, and lost in an unfamiliar and hostile placethey named Miadel. Unknown to them, they were in the dense forests of the south east of the new contient, scattered among the trees with no resources or direction for the future. However, unlike humans and dwarves at the beginning, they knew they weren't alone as a dominant species on the planet. They knew other peoples existed, but had no knowledge of where they might be.   In the beginning they forced themselves to move. The woods and new lands were not friendly to elves, monsters and beasts of all kinds plagued their new home; causing death and mayhem anywhere that the elves lingered. So they moved, becoming a culture of nomadic peoples without a home. For years and decades they roamed, generations of the long lived species growing old and dying in a transient state. But this wasn't a stagnant time, furing their nomadic years the elves, they learned the ways of the forests, the philosopher Helaedrin created a calendar to track the passage of time based on the seasons and movements of the moons, and many more discoveries were made during their long years as nomads.   In time they found that not all the creatures of this new land were dangerous. After the nomads had travelled south and around the Erynthol Mountains they soon met up with the malgrove, a semi-sentient species of humanoid plant creatures who led the elves to two huge lakes in the center of the new region. The lakes were massive, too big to see the far side of when standing on the southern shores. The elves created a semi-permanent camp and stayed by the lakes for years. And though lacking a sense of self and the idea of civilization for the collective, the malgrove proved useful in knowledge and protection. They showed the elves how to manipulate their environment to build without harming the forest, and how to fight back against the worst of what the woodlands had to offer; they even showed the elves how to manipulate iron to make steel and helped develope Elven Steel, the second hardest aloy of steel aside from Dwarven Steel.   After a time the elves looked to resume their migrations and head back west to more familiar forests. However, a group amoung the elves desisted, they were done with the nomadic lifestyle, choosing instead to stay by the newly discovered lakes and make a permanent living. Still more didn't want to go back to the east and wanted to continue west towards new lands. And thus the first split of the elven people took place, with the larger group of elves with a number of malgrove leaving their kin behind to found the first elven city of Nimdal in 502. And as they moved south the travelling group split again, with groups going in different directions.   Though leaving some of their peoples behind to continue travelling, the elves, now calling themselves the Alnorin elves, didn't remain nomads for long, upon returning to the forests of the east the nomads built a second city, Llewendel, in 518. Three years later the now Larfren elves who travelled west founded their own city of Erafel west of the Skole Mountains. They met the dwarves who they developed a good relationship with and soon after, in Erafel, elves dwarves were living together.

First Kingdoms

All the cities of elves grew, and soon three prefectures, or kingdoms, of elves were born and grew to rule over most of the non-mountainous lands in the southern half of Aenia. Rielindol of the central Sea Lake Valley, Alongoria in the eastern Miadel region, and the Republic of Erafel of the western River West region, which, in a short time, became the first mixed population of elves and dwarves. These fledgling countries floursished and grew to expand across entire regions, soon encapsulating most of the south.   Unlike humans, when Aenia was forged and elves were recreated, they had knowledge of the other races on the continent. They'd met with the dwarves a number of times, but dwarves being a reclusive species, preferred to stay in their mountain cities and rarely ventures to the lowlands, except in the case of Sherant, where less reclusive dwarves joined the population of the nation. However, in all their travels they hadn't seen any sigh of the species they knew as human. So in 770, in the Republic of Erafel, an expeditionary made of elves and dwarves led by Erint Kaithal and Edgewin Wilkend decided to venture north, past the cliff bordered mouth of the Sea Lake Valley and into the Whispering Desert in hopes of finding some indication that the humans still existed. For nearly twenty years they wandered the Endless Dunes with no sign or luck, until in 798 when they finally spotted a group of travellers coming from the north.   The newcomers were primative by comparison, dressed in rough linen robes and brandishing inferior iron weapons, and on first approach showed signs of hostility. But the elves calmed them with telepathy, offered them gifts of food and clothing, and within a few days learned to communicate in the humans' gutteral language. They taught the humans much, from agriculture and steel forging, the dwarves going as far as to show them how to augment steel alloys and create an even better material, to building, philosophies of civialization, and time measurement.   For months they lingered in the desert, until most of the humans, eager to spread knowledge to their own and start building permanent homes of their own, left to journey back north. The elves and dwarves, feeling that they had been sucessful in their endeavor, returned home to Erafel with the remaining humans and told tales of their discovery.

225 years
Average Height
8 ft (2.4 m)
Average Weight
210 - 280 lbs (95.3 - 127 kg)
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