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Humans were created by the god Ruidishien and are one of three fully sentient species on the world's singular continent of Aenia. They are the most aggressive and warlike of the sentient peoples, fighting amungst themselves for ages before even meeting the other sentients. While also having their peacable qualities, they are easily distrusting and quick to anger, having been influenced by Neuatsatneu and his chaos more so than the other species.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Current Countries & Governments
New Istbania
Historical Countries & Governments

Major Language Groups and Dialects


After the Forging of the Continent humans found themselves alone, cut off from Ruidishien, with no records or technology, and lost in an unknown and hostile place. Unknown to them, they were in the cold to the far north east, on an unfamiliar coastline with no resources or direction for the future.   The first years were harsh, with many humans dying of starvation, monster attacks, and exposure. To survive the dwindling number of humans began to move westward toward, but never across, the frost covered forests and mountains. As the traveled the learned the patterns of herd animals and began to hunt again, the relearned how to craft leather and other life saving materials such as tools and temporary wood structures. And over the centuries the population began to grow, slowly at first, but as the humans learned more their numbers grew more. But with that growth came ambition, new would-be leaders rose up and created factions that soon split into differing tribes that broke off and began traveling in thier own directions. Tribes multiplied and soon skirmishes and warfare broke out over hunting grounds; territory began to be established for the first time, and soon tribes began braving the monsters of the forests and frost of the mountains in hopes of finding new lands to hunt and claim.   As the number of humans continued to grow humanity began to spread ever westward and south into warmer climates with rivers and grasslands filled with hunting game. And as their number and area grew the differences in people and how they lived, acted, spoke, and looked and all else began to grow as well. The olived skinned, averaged sized Ventish from Ventosh, the original region of humanity, The Oslid, a tall slightly darker skinned group of humans who lived furthest south along the edges of and in the Whispering Desert, and Avil. And the paler, shorter Ekrons of the northern regions of the Frost Plains and the Highland Peninsula. Soon mass agriculture was rediscovered and new seasonal villages sprang up on fertle grounds. Flint and bone tools gave way to obsidian as their knowledge of stonework grew and passed from tribe to tribe through either trade or war plunder.   During this time it was thought that humans were the only sentient beings on the continent, with knowledge of the other races being lost to time. Until the largest of the "southern" nomadic tribes, who roamed the vast desert in the continent's center, came across what they initially thought was a group of disfigured humans. Some stood two feet taller than the tallest of them and had pointed ears, while others were as short as children but broad and covered in thick muscle. instead of what initially assumed would be violence, the newcomers came with gifts and teachings of advanced metalwork and stonework, construction and land cultivation.   With this new knowledge given by the elves and dwarves, 822 years after the continents forging, humans established the first permanent stone built settlment of Cloy at the mouth of what became known as the Talnor river. Soon other cities followed as word and knowledge spread, and with them the beginnings of a new human civialization.

The First Kingdoms

When Cloy and the other early city states Aldvire, Siv, Froya, Cint, and Osolette began to grow in population, so did their need for more food and supplies, so outlying farms and trade posts began to be annexed for the cities, and soon kingdoms were born and the ideals of countires grew such as Cint, Froya, Osolette, and Henslate. Other tribes began building cities and soon seven kingdoms and countries spread across the northern half of the continent: Istbania, Aldvire, Norveil, Elin, Cinder, Appindor, and Fassen.   These newborn countries flourished and grew to span most of norther Aenia. But soon the aggressive nature of humans got the better of them, and kingdoms fell to squabbling within themselves and civil wars, each kingdom fighting to keep itself together.

Time of a Thousand Kings
New Kingdoms


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